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Established Rock Band, Auditioning Bassists. (Boston)

[Jul 12,2013 12:43pm - megadude69  ""]
We're looking to fill a position as part of our group. We are males in our mid 20's who are looking for someone of similar ilk. We do not discriminate against gender, although there is an age cap at 30. We have multiple recordings, connections, and play the Boston local music circuit (Middle East, Church, etc.)

This is a wonderful opportunity for you to join a group of dedicated players who have their situation together. We are looking for a very aggressive bassist since we are more on the energetic side of the rock spectrum. Adequate gear is necessary, and reliable transportation is mandatory.

There is a minimum requirement of knowing enough music theory to be able to navigate chords, scales, and touch upon modes. For instance, if you're in a position where you wouldn't be able to cite the notes in, say, Bb Major, this might not be for you.

I would like all applicants to respond to this ad with a picture of themselves and a recent recording, multiple if you can. Audio works fine, if you have video, even better. Once received, I will respond with 2 to 4 tracks to be executed during audition.


Thanks for your time, I hope you read this carefully. We hope to hear from you soon.


[Jul 12,2013 12:50pm - arilliusbm ""]
Fuck off people who rely on music theory alone and then require a picture of the person interested.
[Jul 12,2013 12:52pm - potential applicant  ""]
I'm confused, this doesn't giveme any feedback on height, look, tattoo preferences, etc. I'm just gonna go try out for 5 Finger Death Punch instead.
[Jul 12,2013 12:53pm - King Thûndérstøøl  ""]

[Jul 12,2013 12:55pm - DYA is ANALYZING THIS THREAD  ""]

arilliusbm said:Fuck off people who rely on music theory alone and then require a picture of the person interested.

Show me on the doll where the ability to play a scale touched you.
[Jul 12,2013 12:56pm - Failure You Are  ""]

arilliusbm said:Fuck off people who rely on music theory alone and then require a picture of the person interested.

That means you failed old man.
[Jul 12,2013 1:04pm - megadude69  ""]
this thread already wins.
[Jul 12,2013 1:06pm - arilliusbm ""]
I've failed at everything because I don't think music should solely rely on theory? That's like saying an artist should only rely on technique. There's more to music than scales and modes, maaaaan. But it doesn't hurt to have a knowledge of it.
[Jul 12,2013 1:15pm - The Dude  ""]

Also my rug was stolen.
[Jul 12,2013 1:16pm - Sounds Familiar...  ""]
[Jul 12,2013 1:29pm - megadude69  ""]
idk.... i mean you spend X hours playing bass/guitar... don't know why knowing the notes in the scales your playing is intimidating...
[Jul 12,2013 1:46pm - 2cents  ""]
LOL at a rock bass player needing to be able to read notes and play in different modes. unless its a prog band, the dude just needs stay in the pocket and follow the root notes (some embelishments and fills def dont hurt if well placed.) smoking tons of hash helps accomplish this efficiently. just sayin cause you could be turning away a solid player just because he isnt accomplished in theory knowledge.
[Jul 12,2013 1:49pm - arilliusbm ""]
I agree that basic knowledge of music theory is important, I just don't feel that it defines music, as it should come from within. Not to sound cliché, but it applies to music, art, writing, or any artistic medium. Technique and knowledge will never supercede an artist who creates outside of those bounds.
[Jul 12,2013 1:52pm - DYA is ANALYZING THIS THREAD  ""]
Which brings us right back to "you need to know the very basic concept of what notes are in a scale" the OP posted. You must be this tall to ride, but it's a very low bar to set.
[Jul 12,2013 1:54pm - DYA is ANALYZING THIS THREAD  ""]
And modes are seriously the easiest fucking concept, don't know why everyone acts like it's some obscure alchemy or something.
[Jul 12,2013 1:55pm - DYA is ANALYZING THIS THREAD  ""]
It's like saying that a great basketball player doesn't ever learn about a triangle or where the free throw line is, because he just plays by FEEL. MAAAAAAAAN.
[Jul 12,2013 1:56pm - arilliusbm ""]
Not once in any composition that I write do I overly use theory. I trust my ear more than I do with what mathematically correlates with certain notes and chords.
[Jul 12,2013 1:58pm - DYA is ANALYZING THIS THREAD  ""]
You just confuse the hell out of me, Jimboree. You Jock all this prog shit and then turn around with this weird onjection to understanding anything those bands do. I'm gonna drink a beer in E harmonic minor up in yo grill on Saturday. I may even do it in 7/8.
[Jul 12,2013 1:59pm - KEVORD ""]
If only DYA was five years younger he could be an established Rock bassist.
[Jul 12,2013 2:01pm - DYA is ANALYZING THIS THREAD  ""]
yeah I said "onjection", and I stand by it.
[Jul 12,2013 2:09pm - arilliusbm ""]
It's not that I don't understand it, I just feel there's more to music. I can only listen to prog in chunks, unless it's King Crimson because they are the best band of all time.
[Jul 12,2013 2:12pm - Mark_R ""]

arilliusbm said:Not once in any composition that I write do I overly use theory. I trust my ear more than I do with what mathematically correlates with certain notes and chords.

Well, you're "using" theory, just choosing not to use its vocabulary. Which is fine and natural.

Theory is an available set of terms that can be used to describe what you're using your ears to get at. Describe, not prescribe.

The error is when people flip that around: they think theory tells them what they should or shouldn't do with their music. It's a too-common presumption and it's not true.
[Jul 12,2013 2:16pm - arilliusbm ""]
Damn, Mark. Ruining all the fun!
[Jul 12,2013 2:20pm - arilliusbm ""]
(but you're right and made it more clear what I was trying to get at)
[Jul 12,2013 2:24pm - Mark_R ""]
ha, I'm here when you need fun ruined!
[Jul 12,2013 2:28pm - DYA is ANALYZING THIS THREAD  ""]
[Jul 12,2013 2:28pm - DYA is ANALYZING THIS THREAD  ""]
[Jul 12,2013 2:34pm - arilliusbm ""]
Also, Mark, have we met? Awkward question for an awkward thread.
[Jul 12,2013 2:38pm - fag alert  ""]

arilliusbm said:Also, Mark, have we met? Awkward question for an awkward thread.

go to craigs list homo if you want to meet guys.
[Jul 12,2013 2:45pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jul 12,2013 2:49pm - DYA is ANALYZING THIS THREAD  ""]

fag%20alert said:
arilliusbm said:Also, Mark, have we met? Awkward question for an awkward thread.

go to craigs list homo if you want to meet guys.

No we said we DON'T like fun.
[Jul 12,2013 2:58pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I didn't read the thread, but is there an established dress code? wondering if wearing scarf and pantyhose on stage is acceptable.
[Jul 12,2013 3:00pm - Alx_Casket ""]
and Mark has met you several times but you probably have never met him.
[Jul 12,2013 3:18pm - eyeroller  ""]
- OP tried out for this band, got a "no thanks"
- Some people recognize themselves, take it personally
[Jul 12,2013 3:23pm - pantyhoser  ""]

Alx_Casket said:I didn't read the thread, but is there an established dress code? wondering if wearing scarf and pantyhose on stage is acceptable.

Pantyhose may only be worn on stage for COMFORT and FASHION, never for musical merit.
[Jul 12,2013 3:53pm - Alx_Casket ""]
you belong in an undergarment museum.
[Jul 12,2013 4:25pm - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""]
He wants pictures. I will send nude photos with my bass recordings. Do you think I will get the job?
[Jul 12,2013 4:35pm - plentyofexits  ""]

pantyhoser said:
Alx_Casket said:I didn't read the thread, but is there an established dress code? wondering if wearing scarf and pantyhose on stage is acceptable.

Pantyhose may only be worn on stage for COMFORT and FASHION, never for musical merit.

[Jul 12,2013 5:01pm - RTTP CLEAN UP CREW  ""]
[Jul 12,2013 5:18pm - Mark_R ""]

arilliusbm said:Also, Mark, have we met? Awkward question for an awkward thread.

We haven't, although I've seen you in the crowd at a couple of shows and one that you played w/ Herugrim.
[Jul 12,2013 9:12pm - xgodzillax ""]

Mark_R said:ha, I'm here when you need fun ruined!

playing the role of a woman..
[Jul 13,2013 12:36am - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 13,2013 2:52am - Kong Hackenschmidt  ""]
Bro do you even invent lifts?
[Jul 13,2013 3:52am - mung  ""]

[Jul 13,2013 4:04am - Hoser ""]


Guitar player is whistler.....am I wrong?! Am I wrong, dude!?

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