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Fucking love this blog.

[Jul 15,2013 10:39pm - death-metal ""]
Early in the 19th century organizations toured various parts of the nation collecting spirituals and folkways.

One of these groups ended up in the coastal areas of South Carolina and came across a Negro Spiritual called Come By Yah sung by the Black people there, in their creole language, Gullah. Later white folks claimed the song, one even copy righted it as if he created it, and corrupted the name into Kumbaya.

Kumbaya is generally associated with trite Utopian ideas of cross cultural love or some such. That isn’t the objective of this site in any sense.

We hope to promote traditional African American cultural ways and mores and comment on things from a Traditionalist Black American perspective.


[Jul 16,2013 12:36am - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
[Jul 16,2013 3:23am - goatrider ""]
I'm not going to lie and say I "truly" understand much African culture, nor do I take offense when other races misunderstand European culture. Multiculturalism, however, elevates these differences to horrible levels of conflict.

I will now prepare to take a week's worth of shuttup faggets for you all. Anally.
[Jul 16,2013 8:17am - wow  ""]

goatrider said: I'm not going to lie and say I "truly" understand much African culture, nor do I take offense when other races misunderstand European culture. Multiculturalism, however, elevates these differences to horrible levels of conflict.

I will now prepare to take a week's worth of shuttup faggets for you all. Anally.

Wow what a fag for being ready to take it up the ass.

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