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Row your boat at Masters of Rock Festival?

[Jul 18,2013 7:08pm - Spence ""]
I have no idea if this was fan initiated or band initiated, but what.

[Jul 18,2013 7:54pm - MotleyGrue ""]
WTF is wrong with these people??? They deserve to get hit with balloons filled with piss.
[Jul 18,2013 8:38pm - nekronaut ""]
...because Duck,Duck, Goose is soooooooo much cooler
[Jul 18,2013 8:53pm - Spence ""]
To be fair, the duck duck goose was to mock a metalcore band. These guys seem to be legitimately enjoying the show. :P

Although I don't have a problem with anyone doing this, honestly. I don't really care, I just was taken aback to see so many people doing this.
[Jul 18,2013 8:56pm - Spence ""]
Also, got to love the three or so guys in the middle who are just like "fuck you all" and standing despite everyone around them sitting on the ground. Pretty funny.
[Jul 18,2013 11:46pm - permafrost ""]
fuck you and your aback and your not having a problem with this, pretty sure this is on par with skanking
[Jul 19,2013 12:18am - What If  ""]

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