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For fucks sakes Scott Wily

[Jul 19,2013 2:07pm - MotleyGrue ""]
Get the fuck over it, you got fired, lots of people get fired from their jobs/bands. Call the dude from VR and ask for you job back, and if you are tells you no move the fuck on. Lets face facts you fucked up good and you know it, show some fucking dignity asshole. You were in a known band, you fucking toured, lots of musicians don't even achieve that.

Look I already smoked good and had some beers, so I am not good at this, and grammar........But man the fuck up start a new band or fucking just live you life and revel in what you have accomplished.

The End.
[Jul 19,2013 2:18pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jul 19,2013 2:27pm - Smart azz hoe  ""]
Shut the fuck up aril, thats not nice!
[Jul 19,2013 2:34pm - The Triumphant Truth  ""]
They never fired Scott Wily. He is still working on the album while they tour. He never quit the band either. He'll be back. You'll see.
[Jul 19,2013 2:36pm - The REAL Triumph  ""]
Pretty good lies...

For me to not believe. And also to poop on!
[Jul 19,2013 2:37pm - The Triumphant Truth  ""]
No, it's the truth son.
[Jul 19,2013 2:39pm - The REAL Triumph  ""]
Oh, yeeesss, Scott from Zircon. Or should I say, Poopon?

[Jul 19,2013 2:41pm - Triumph  ""]
[Jul 19,2013 2:42pm - The REAL Triumph  ""]
You knowww, I used to like the Vital Remains. But with that mop-headed jerkoff Wily singing, it was more like "Vital Remains of something I wiped on the carpet while I was dragging my ass across it", you know what I mean?

[Jul 19,2013 2:45pm - Triumph  ""]
No, we don't know what you mean. Take your guilty jealousy and go home.

bennyhillifier Hate and Envy productions. Can I help you?
[Jul 19,2013 2:47pm - The REAL Triumph  ""]
It's like listening to Air Bud while he's got Benji's dick in his mouth, isn't it?
[Jul 19,2013 2:48pm - Triumph  ""]
no one cares about your posts loser. Keep trying your hardest to stop Zircon. You will forever fail.
[Jul 19,2013 2:49pm - The REAL Triumph  ""]
Yes, surely I could never succed where heroin, lack of talent and terminal Chihuahua dick have already gotten there first.
[Jul 19,2013 2:54pm - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""]

arilliusbm said:STANDING OVATION

[Jul 19,2013 2:56pm - MotleyGrue ""]
Predictable thread, but did not think it would turn into the battle of the Triumph's, lets see where this goes.
[Jul 19,2013 2:59pm - The REAL Triumph  ""]
If Scott spent as much time practicing his guitar as he did spamming the RTTP and blowing sailors behind dockside bars... well, he wouldn't have those cold sores, at the very least. Am I right? No, no, but I keed Scott,I keed. Those sores are with him for life, we all know that.
[Jul 19,2013 3:03pm - The Really REAL Triumph  ""]
Your the one with herpes loser. Scott never had any of that crap. I kiss him every day. Keep trying to bring us down loser. So much fail on your part. Thanx
[Jul 19,2013 3:06pm - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""]
It's the imaginary girlfriend again.
[Jul 19,2013 3:07pm - The REAL Triumph  ""]
Ohhhh, it is his bitch, yes? Now we hear from the bitch, good, good.

Yes, tell me something, Scott's bitch - when Scott jerks off with the other hand, do you get jealous? Or are you jammed so far up his ass that you don't have time?

(You see Scott's bitch is his hand, I don't know if I made that clear.)
[Jul 19,2013 3:09pm - The Really REAL Triumph  ""]
Scott has a real girlfriend and he's been playing drums all day and now he's playing guitar. I'm here dealing with all you jealous rats wasting my time. Go to hell. Leave us alone!
[Jul 19,2013 3:11pm - The REAL Triumph  ""]
Get a load of this, eh, guys? Scott's imaginary bitch is almost as crazy as he is! Who knew?
[Jul 19,2013 3:39pm - EVERYONE  ""]
Scott Wily is the biggest attention whore cry baby in RTTP history. He has singlehandedly ruined this forum.

Lets get some things straight.

1. He was fired from Vital Remains. Fucking deal with it. You're out of the band. Move on with your life asshole. They're not hiring you back and this crazy bullshit isn't helping.

2. It's obvious Samantha isn't posting anything about him. He is obsessed with her. No wonder why she has a restraining order. I would too.

3. Zircon broke up a long time ago. There is no European tour or whatever crap he is saying. Promoting a band that doesn't exist is a waste of time.

4. How many times has his IP been banned here? Give it the fuck up. Get a job. Overdose on heroin. Whatever. Nobody cares. Just go the fuck away and stop posting.
[Jul 19,2013 4:08pm - Everyone else  ""]
He has not ruined the forum. You have. Scott Wily is the greatest singer that VR has ever had and it's not him on here posting. Apparently I'm his imaginary girlfriend.

Let's hear the truth now everyone.

1. He was never fired from VR. He deals with it well. He's the 6th member of the band working on the new album at home. He will tour live when the new album is finished.

2. It's obvious that it is samantha posting because she is the number 1 hater and Scott does not stalk this loser. She's the one viewing his facebook page daily. He's too busy for her childish drama.

3. Zircon never breaks up. Scott and Eric still write and record new material for the band. Bitter bassists who join with Samantha in her crusade to ruin Wily's career because thry want to get laid is no reason for Zircon to break up.

4. Banning your IP rather then Scott's so he can post professional adds in peace would make more sense. Scott is not into needles. Nobody cares about you. So keep failing at hating Scott. You lose lose.

[Jul 19,2013 11:30pm - Final Verdict  ""]
Scott, you are the boss fagget of the world, and you will never see a stage again.
[Jul 20,2013 2:08pm - Upheld  ""]
[Jul 20,2013 2:17pm - The True Triumph  ""]
Scott Wily's new imaginary girl. [img]

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