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Battle of the Trolls

[Aug 5,2013 11:44pm - RTTP REF  ""]
Who is the Greatest Troll of All Time???

Is it Aril? The Peoples Troll???

Or is it Scott Wily? The Obvious Fagget Junkie Delusional Troll???

You decide RTTP in this first ever Battle of the TROLLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't be Fagget.......

[Aug 5,2013 11:46pm - RTTP REF  ""]

[Aug 6,2013 1:55am - anonymous  ""]

[Aug 6,2013 2:08am - Scott McCloud  ""]
Scott Wily is the greatest troll ov all time! he is no fag but a junkie for life.
[Aug 6,2013 2:10am - RTTP REF  ""]
Let the Trolling Begin!
[Aug 6,2013 2:22am - legitimate question  ""]
Is this the Scott Wily board now? I thought this was a metal site with pictures and shows and a cool forum not some psychopath train wreck soap opera.
[Aug 6,2013 2:24am - Zircon  ""]
Sorry! We'll leave his name out of it if it hurts you so bad.
[Aug 6,2013 2:40am - anonymous  ""]

legitimate%20question said:Is this the Scott Wily board now? I thought this was a metal site with pictures and shows and a cool forum not some psychopath train wreck soap opera.

[Aug 6,2013 2:53am - Human Filth  ""]
The winner is Scott wily considering all the IP's I'm seeing. He's pretty damn slick now folks! Either that or he has a lot of friends posting for him. I gotta giv it to the junkie. I don't even know myself if he lives in RI or MA or where he's posting from and I know how to watch IP's well. I know how he types and words things too, almost as good as Red. King Thunderstuck will be the one to bask in Wily's victory when he's sitting in jail because of all the rats ratting because certain heters and ruiners are such the victom. How did he make this whole site crash? That's what I want to know.. Very sly Wily.
[Aug 6,2013 8:43am - DYAi6 is an acronym for DESTROYYOUALOTINJUNE  ""]
A) you don't know how to watch shit, b) you're fagget Wily, because c) everybody knows that dude has no friends.
[Aug 6,2013 8:46am - arilliusbm ""]
I'm a people's troll?
Oh, the honor.
[Aug 6,2013 9:06am - RTTP REF  ""]
So far a lackluster bout, Wily has come out a swinging and a missing which is no suprise to anyone.
[Aug 6,2013 9:07am - RTTP REF  ""]

legitimate%20question said:Is this the Scott Wily board now? I thought this was a metal site with pictures and shows and a cool forum not some psychopath train wreck soap opera.

You failed to mention cats and scarves that also dominate this board.
[Aug 6,2013 9:56am - King Thûndérstøøl  ""]
[Aug 6,2013 10:29am - RTTP REF  ""]
This match has been ruled a no contest due to its failure to deliver.
[Aug 6,2013 1:38pm - spectator  ""]
In b4 Wily imaginary samefag army
[Aug 6,2013 2:50pm - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""]

Human%20Filth said:The winner is Scott wily considering all the IP's I'm seeing. He's pretty damn slick now folks! Either that or he has a lot of friends posting for him. I gotta giv it to the junkie. I don't even know myself if he lives in RI or MA or where he's posting from and I know how to watch IP's well. I know how he types and words things too, almost as good as Red. King Thunderstuck will be the one to bask in Wily's victory when he's sitting in jail because of all the rats ratting because certain heters and ruiners are such the victom. How did he make this whole site crash? That's what I want to know.. Very sly Wily.


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