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Slayer will film Reign In Blood set in Maine

[Jul 9,2004 10:07am - litacore ""]
SLAYER will film their July 11 show in Augusta, Maine for an upcoming live DVD "Reign in Blood Live: Still Reigning". The disc will feature a full performance of the 1986 album "Reign in Blood" by all original members of the veteran thrash metal outfit. The DVD, due on September 28, will have an approximate 75-minute running time and will retail for $14.98.

SLAYER have modified their stage backdrop to reflect the look of the mid-'80s "Reign in Blood" tour, including the SLAYER eagle and the controversial upside-down crosses that are part of the lighting rig. A ten-camera crew under the direction of Dean Karr (IRON MAIDEN) will be on hand to document the show plus all the backstage action.

"'Reign in Blood' is our signature record, and if people think that it helped set the path for that genre of music, that's great," said vocalist Tom Araya. "It's a record that means a lot to all of us in the band — it was our first record for a major label, and our first record with [producer] Rick Rubin, who gave it unconditional support."

"If what we're planning for the final 45-seconds of the song 'Raining Blood' looks half as cool as we hope it will," added guitarist Kerry King, "the kids will be blown away. And we'll probably have to replace all of our gear!"
[Jul 9,2004 11:15am - Mike Damone  ""]
Isnt anyone here going to this??? If you missed the last Slayer tour where they played the entire RIB album, you cant possibly miss this....fuck even if you DID see it, you need to be at this show. THIS is going to be a legendary event.
[Jul 9,2004 11:35am - litacore ""]
Slayer's my dad AND my mom
[Jul 9,2004 6:12pm - Bradness  ""]
just got 3 tickets
thank you Litacore!!!!

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