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Jill Funerus benefit

[Sep 8,2013 10:29am - conservationist ""]
Jill Funerus, bassist of Funerus and wife of John McEntee (INCANTATION), has just emerged from surgery for heart and kidney issues.


Information on where to send donations and how to help with the benefit show.
[Sep 8,2013 1:18pm - the_reverend ""]
weird... I just saw her last month.
[Sep 8,2013 1:58pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
July 20th was not last month.
[Sep 8,2013 5:38pm - conservationist ""]

the_reverend said:weird... I just saw her last month.

When you live in the fast lane, life happens at high speed.
[Sep 9,2013 1:06pm - Where is my stimulus check?  ""]

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