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How can we direct more traffic to this forum?

[Sep 21,2013 6:24pm - jibberjabberjaw ""]
I've been a troll/regular user on this site for close to 12 years. Met numerous metalheads, found dozens of talented underground bands, and have caught word of wayyy too many killer shows to even put a number on. Practically use RttP as my homepage but music is an obsession.

Sad to see things slow to almost a dead stop.

How can we bring in some "new blood" ?

Should I multitask & spam hot topic metal forums to enlighten youngsters? Turn them onto better metal? Show them not to be spoonfed?

Or does any of it matter? ...are there legitimate reasons as to the fall of this forum...?

[Sep 21,2013 6:42pm - jibberjabberjaw ""]
ps- thanks Aaron for creating this site/forum. I know my nose is all brown now, but, I doubt my catalog of fav bands wouldn't be as full if this place didn't exist.
[Sep 21,2013 7:14pm - Shutup Fagget  ""]
shutup fagget
[Sep 21,2013 7:32pm - I'm old Gregg  ""]
Ever drink Bailey's from a shoe?
[Sep 22,2013 6:28am - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 22,2013 11:10am - DestroyedAlot was the You  ""]

[Sep 22,2013 12:32pm - Lamp ""]
Aren't you the guy that wrote this email? The syntax is pretty much identical.

[Sep 22,2013 1:01pm - MotleyGrue ""]

Shutup%20Fagget said:shutup fagget

[Sep 23,2013 7:31am - Alx_Casket ""]
Lamp raises a valid question, you sheep clothed motherfucker.
[Sep 23,2013 9:12am - jibberjabberjaw ""]
I'm coming for ALL your DIY venues!
That's right: BLAME ME! You want a scapegoat, you *NEED* a scapegoat!
Go ahead, falsely point the finger you paranoid fuck. I'll laugh the entire time
as I take away focus from your "friends" who go behind your back
and rat you out.
Someone from an hour+ drive away is dictating what's going on in YOUR CITY.
Sure... that's it: couldnt be the fact that in the narcissistic social media age
people can make FB event pages about BYOB/DIY venues... nah.... right?
Couldnt be the fact that musicians easily get butthurt and will gladly stab eachother
in the back. Nah, NEVER could happen in the underground metal / punk / hardcore world.




deal with it.

[Sep 23,2013 9:46am - morons  ""]
JibberJabberJaw is Aril you morons
[Sep 23,2013 9:57am - xmikex ""]
To get "new blood" to this site you'd have to somehow find people with decent taste in music who aren't total fucking babies about everything.

And apparently that ain't happenin'
[Sep 23,2013 10:02am - Nathaniel Bedford Forrest Gump  ""]
To bring in more traffic, raise visibility.

The best way to do this is to stage raids on other forums






If we just go post "SHUTTUP FAGGET http://returntothepit.com" on each one of those we should have new blood in no time.
[Sep 23,2013 10:15am - largefreakatzero ""]
Who needs SEO when you have SHUTTUP FAGGET.
[Sep 23,2013 10:31am - DestroyedAlot was the You  ""]

Nathaniel%20Bedford%20Forrest%20Gump said:To bring in more traffic, raise visibility.

The best way to do this is to stage raids on other forums






If we just go post "SHUTTUP FAGGET http://returntothepit.com" on each one of those we should have new blood in no time.

This man is my attorney.

Also it's "shutup", no caps, and an underscore in between.
[Sep 23,2013 10:46am - the_reverend ""]
need more merchandizing.
[Sep 23,2013 11:07am - conservationist ""]
Does RTTP have banners?
[Sep 23,2013 11:16am - largefreakatzero ""]

the_reverend said:need more merchandizing.

Would the RTTP panties have a dead ICP baby pattern?
[Sep 23,2013 12:25pm - the_reverend ""]
the jew accountants don't abide.
[Sep 23,2013 12:32pm - False was alot  ""]

DestroyedAlot%20was%20the%20You said:
Nathaniel%20Bedford%20Forrest%20Gump said:To bring in more traffic, raise visibility.

The best way to do this is to stage raids on other forums






If we just go post "SHUTTUP FAGGET http://returntothepit.com" on each one of those we should have new blood in no time.

This man is my attorney.

Also it's "shutup", no caps, and an underscore in between.

there is no underscore in shutup fagget.
[Sep 23,2013 12:55pm - Lamp ""]

jibberjabberjaw said:long rant about nothing

You didn't answer my question though.

The email in question has your EXACT typing style, is phrased very awkwardly, and has false information.

When you started posting on Lots of Noise, I had given you the benefit of the doubt for a while because you had started a thread looking for band members for a specific genre of music that I figured a cop wouldn't have any information about. But the more you post, the more I wonder. Everything about your persona seems so... forced. Artificial.

You claim to have been posting on this board for 12 years? This board has been in existence for 12 years and the only person that's been around pretty much the entire time is xmikex and there's no mistaking who he is to people who have been around for even a third of that time.

You claim that you've made tons of friends on this board, but who are they? Who actually knows who you are? Can you post a picture of yourself to prove it?

Then you claim the obvious about how music is an "addiction". Well shit, isn't that why we're all here, more or less? But when have you actually posted about music on this board, save for a couple times when you started threads looking for new bands and just named every band you could find information about by reading Wikipedia.

And not to mention, I have also seen you call a small show a "concert". Fuck you.

I'm VERY suspicious of you...
[Sep 23,2013 12:57pm - shutup_fagget ""]

False%20was%20alot said:
DestroyedAlot%20was%20the%20You said:
Nathaniel%20Bedford%20Forrest%20Gump said:To bring in more traffic, raise visibility.

The best way to do this is to stage raids on other forums






If we just go post "SHUTTUP FAGGET http://returntothepit.com" on each one of those we should have new blood in no time.

This man is my attorney.

Also it's "shutup", no caps, and an underscore in between.

there is no underscore in shutup fagget.

[Sep 23,2013 1:00pm - Lamp ""]
And I mean, shit, I'm 26 now and I would say around 13/14 is the time I started broadening my music tastes and getting into more "underground" stuff (meaning about 12 years of musical devotion), and I've been past the point of trying to actively get people into better music for years. If they can't find it, fuck 'em, if they can then good for them, there is no guarantee they aren't toolbags regardless.

Either you're a cop, or a complete fucking retard. Either way, there is no reason anyone on this board should trust you ever.
[Sep 23,2013 1:56pm - ark  ""]
^^ this and that
[Sep 23,2013 2:08pm - HookedOnMetal ""]
I just looked at OP's profile. His account was just created this year.

Unless he used to post under a different name, I think that pretty much disproves his "12 years" claim.
[Sep 23,2013 2:14pm - HookedOnMetal ""]

Lamp said:And I mean, shit, I'm 26 now and I would say around 13/14 is the time I started broadening my music tastes and getting into more "underground" stuff (meaning about 12 years of musical devotion), and I've been past the point of trying to actively get people into better music for years. If they can't find it, fuck 'em, if they can then good for them, there is no guarantee they aren't toolbags regardless.

Either you're a cop, or a complete fucking retard. Either way, there is no reason anyone on this board should trust you ever.

Backed. When it comes to being a real fan of underground metal, you either are or you aren't.
[Sep 23,2013 2:40pm - DestroyedAlot was the You  ""]

False%20was%20alot said:
DestroyedAlot%20was%20the%20You said:
Nathaniel%20Bedford%20Forrest%20Gump said:To bring in more traffic, raise visibility.

The best way to do this is to stage raids on other forums






If we just go post "SHUTTUP FAGGET http://returntothepit.com" on each one of those we should have new blood in no time.

This man is my attorney.

Also it's "shutup", no caps, and an underscore in between.

there is no underscore in shutup fagget.

No underscore = obvious cop
[Sep 23,2013 2:45pm - conservationist ""]

If they can't find it, fuck 'em, if they can then good for them, there is no guarantee they aren't toolbags regardless.

It seems to me that purchasing decisions are like votes.

So if you have a country called METAL, and half the populace votes for nu-metal, that's what you're going to get.
[Sep 23,2013 2:52pm - ark  ""]
[Sep 23,2013 3:18pm - DestroyedAlot was the You  ""]
If Hunter Hearst-Hendrix' opinion counts the same as mine, I fold.
[Sep 23,2013 3:40pm - the original shutup fagget  ""]

shutup_fagget said:
False%20was%20alot said:
DestroyedAlot%20was%20the%20You said:
Nathaniel%20Bedford%20Forrest%20Gump said:To bring in more traffic, raise visibility.

The best way to do this is to stage raids on other forums






If we just go post "SHUTTUP FAGGET http://returntothepit.com" on each one of those we should have new blood in no time.

This man is my attorney.

Also it's "shutup", no caps, and an underscore in between.

there is no underscore in shutup fagget.


No fuck you troll name stealing fagget, I was the original shutup fagget and there is no underscore that I can remember, also I said this troll name was RTTP community property, then you steal my troll name, and you know you did. I remember when I started it and the person was being a grammar nazi about how I intentionally spelled it. So Fuck You and shutup fagget.
[Sep 23,2013 3:43pm - DestroyedAlot was the You  ""]
No u
[Sep 23,2013 3:43pm - DestroyedAlot was the You  ""]
Spoken like a cop.
[Sep 23,2013 3:44pm - shutup_ fagget  ""]
I'm the original shutup_fagget.
[Sep 23,2013 3:51pm - shutup doughnet  ""]
pastry police fagget
[Sep 23,2013 4:25pm - bullshit fagget  ""]
bullshit fagget, I am the original
[Sep 23,2013 4:26pm - bullshit fagget  ""]

DestroyedAlot%20was%20the%20You said:Sucked was the cock.
[Sep 23,2013 4:39pm - DestroyedAlot was the You  ""]
Damn straight.
[Sep 23,2013 4:58pm - Yeti ""]
all you had to do JJJ was keep your trap shut, and all you would have received was the fairly innocuous title of "low information person". but now due to your pleonasticity you are stamped a fagget in need of shutting up. tsk tsk.
[Sep 25,2013 11:26am - conservationist ""]
Is the answer "more pornography"?

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