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[Jul 10,2004 12:18pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
For you out there that book shows, I am in a black metal band from the cape called valhalla. we are looking to play some shows by at least the end of august. I am not fimiliar with how long local bands sets last, but wed have enough music to fill a half hour set. we are also willing to play free shows or even if wed have to pay a few bucks. I didnt make it to the cape show a few weeks back but i heard it was a good turn out, maybe something can happen there again? but we are willing to play almost anywhere in NE.

you can email me at hallofodin@hotmail.com or post on this thread if you guys have anything for us

you can check out two of our songs here
http://www.soundclick.com/bands/7/valhallausmusic.htm :doublehorns:
[Jul 10,2004 12:51pm - the taste of cigarettes  ""]
if you have to pay to play it's not worth it. I feel that mandatory ticket-selling is a scam. Asking a band to sell tickets is different, especially if the have an interest in the line-up.

maybe this is better left for another thread, now that I think about it...
[Jul 10,2004 1:05pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
ya we were offered a show in lowell but we would have to sell 25 tickets first...fuck that, i just wanna play at not worry about anything else or be dependent on other people
[Jul 10,2004 1:38pm - armageddonday ""]
Hey, you can send us a demo, we do shows in Providence. Might start doing local metal shows in the fall or late August...sorry but we don't listen to MP3s
Armageddon Shop
436 Broadway
Providence, RI 02909
[Jul 10,2004 3:13pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
well were heading into the studio tommorow to record another song. after that i could compile them on a cd if that would work
[Jul 10,2004 4:14pm - Abbath ""]
ya any help for us would be very apperciated, we got no idea how to start getting shit together so if anyone needs an opening band or what not, we can definatley hold our own
[Jul 13,2004 1:31pm - Inheritance ""]
I've been wanting to set up a show at a club over in Wareham called The Raven for some time. If you guys are from the Cape, I'll definitely keep you in mind.
[Jul 13,2004 1:44pm - Christraper ""]
How old are you guys?
[Jul 13,2004 2:59pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
Inheritance said:I've been wanting to set up a show at a club over in Wareham called The Raven for some time. If you guys are from the Cape, I'll definitely keep you in mind.

sweet...we definitely HAVE TO play some shows in August, we will play almost anywhere with anyone

Christraper: were all 19, and weve been a band for over a year now
[Jul 14,2004 12:54am - Abbath ""]
bump this shit

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