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Teen refuses to run due to the number she was given

[Nov 6,2013 12:06pm - North Korean Unicorn  ""]
Female teenager from Kentucky refuses to wear the number she was given 666, she did not want the mark of the beast on her body.

[Nov 6,2013 12:09pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Fox News teen of the week award
[Nov 6,2013 12:18pm - the_reverend ""]
the mark of the beast is 661..
[Nov 6,2013 12:19pm - the_reverend ""]
ps: will be pregnant out of wedlock and mostlikely do meth.
[Nov 7,2013 7:13pm - shutup fagget  ""]
I can't tell you to shutup. I agree completely.

But you are faggets
[Nov 7,2013 9:07pm - original shutup fagget  ""]

shutup%20fagget said:I can't tell you to shutup. I agree completely.

But you are faggets

Rules for shutup fagget troll ripoffs:

1. you are doing it wrong, you only say shutup fagget

[Nov 7,2013 9:09pm - Lamp ""]
The original shutup fagget broke his own rule to write out a set of rules, oh the ironing
[Nov 7,2013 9:24pm - boss fagget  ""]
[Nov 7,2013 9:36pm - shutup_fagget ""]
shutup faggets
[Nov 7,2013 9:49pm - boss fagget  ""]
you're fired
[Nov 7,2013 9:52pm - zyklon ""]
Dumb whore!
[Nov 7,2013 10:16pm - Burnsy ""]
The mark of the beast is ever prevalent on her unshaven mound I'm sure.
[Nov 8,2013 12:47am - Your_Agenda  ""]
Ha, you assholes are ok with beliefs as long as they fit your agenda. You only crash on other peoples beliefs when they don't meet your cool factor. Guess what nerds? Metal has never been "cool". At least she believes in something greater than herself, unlike you narcissistic butt pirates.
[Nov 8,2013 8:48am - original shutup fagget  ""]

Lamp said:The original shutup fagget broke his own rule to write out a set of rules, oh the ironing

shutup fagget
[Nov 8,2013 8:59am - King Wilystool  ""]

Your_Agenda said:Ha, you assholes are ok with beliefs as long as they fit your agenda. You only crash on other peoples beliefs when they don't meet your cool factor. Guess what nerds? Metal has never been "cool". At least she believes in something greater than herself, unlike you narcissistic butt pirates.


[Nov 8,2013 9:13am - shutup fagget  ""]

original%20shutup%20fagget said:
shutup%20fagget said:I can't tell you to shutup. I agree completely.

But you are faggets

Rules for shutup fagget troll ripoffs:

1. you are doing it wrong, you only say shutup fagget


shutup fagget
[Nov 8,2013 10:04am - shitcunt  ""]

Your_Agenda said:Ha, you assholes are ok with beliefs as long as they fit your agenda. You only crash on other peoples beliefs when they don't meet your cool factor. Guess what nerds? Metal has never been "cool". At least she believes in something greater than herself, unlike you narcissistic butt pirates.

1.No one with a brain gives a shit about "cool"

2.No one is trashing her for her beliefs. Just laughing at a misguided fear of a number. You can believe in "God" and still jog with the number 666 in a road race.

3.What agenda?

4.Are you a troll? Or are you really annoyed enough to post something like this seriously?

And yes, I realise, this post may be from a person who found this discussion in a Google search and will never return to see this response.
[Nov 8,2013 10:07am - DYA is TOTALLY LOGGED IN, BRO  ""]
LOL @ something greater than myself

As if such a thing could exist
[Nov 8,2013 10:44am - Burnsy ""]
I'd love for troll to tell us how to crash on someone's beliefs. Not sure what that means but sounds relevant to my interests.
[Nov 8,2013 11:55am - Macho Man Randy Savage  ""]
The Macho Man doesn't believe in anyone's agenda or beliefs do you hear that WWF President Jack Tunney? You see I am too busy rising to the top, the Cream of the Crop!!!
[Nov 8,2013 12:02pm - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""]

Macho%20Man%20Randy%20Savage said:The Macho Man doesn't believe in anyone's agenda or beliefs do you hear that WWF President Jack Tunney? You see I am too busy rising to the top, the Cream of the Crop!!!


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