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I'm finally an old man

[Nov 27,2013 3:08pm - the_reverend ""]
Got glasses today
[Nov 27,2013 10:04pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Father & husband.
[Nov 27,2013 10:44pm - zyklon ""]
Don't like contacts?
[Nov 27,2013 10:52pm - the_reverend ""]
fuck contacts... I can't even put drops in my eyes.
[Nov 28,2013 6:59pm - Related  ""]
[Nov 28,2013 8:57pm - the_reverend ""]
no way I could do that... I tried to watch that surgery in a video and couldn't go 10 seconds watching those eyes wide open.
[Nov 29,2013 9:55am - shitcunt  ""]
I'm with ya on that shit rev. I wear glasses because I can't deal with anyone touching my eyes, or even putting the slightest bit of pressure on my eyelids. Can't even imagine fuckin with contacts or laser surgery.

The make up artists at all the haunted houses I've worked at fuckin hated me, because I'd always get flinchy/blinkey while they were trying to shade around my eyes.
[Nov 29,2013 10:13am - Lamp ""]
I feel the same way about my eyes. One time about five years ago I got a piece of shingle grit from a roof stuck under my eyelid and when I went to a doctor about it, they had to roll my eyelid back on a wooden pin and swab it off. Just writing about it now makes me cringe.
[Nov 29,2013 10:34am - shitcunt  ""]
Yeah dude. The eye doctor is horrible. I got a paper cut on my right eyeball once. The doctor held my eyes open, shined an extremely bright light into them, gave me a prescription and I had to put ointment on the cut with a q-tip every day for 2 weeks
[Nov 29,2013 10:38am - the_reverend ""]
my eyes are watering just reading this,
[Nov 29,2013 11:12am - largefreakatzero ""]
Fuck elective eye surgery. I've worn glasses for distance only for probably 10 years or so, it's no big deal. I tried contacts and did not like.

[Nov 29,2013 11:30am - shitcunt  ""]
^^^^ that scene always made my eyes twitch and water.
[Dec 5,2013 11:42am - the_reverend ""]
So... Day one with glasses... I have a constant headache. It feels like I'm hungover. I also can't move the glasses with my eyes open or it feels like I'm getting a spike driven into my head.
[Dec 5,2013 11:43am - the_reverend ""]
The frames block my blind spot while driving even more so I have to turn almost completely around to check my blind spot.
[Dec 5,2013 12:18pm - shitcunt  ""]
You'll get used to it dude. The headaches go away.

Frames blocking my blind spots on the hand, that doesn't stop unless you buy glasses with ultra thin or clear/see through frames.
[Dec 6,2013 3:39pm - largefreakatzero ""]

the_reverend said:The frames block my blind spot while driving even more so I have to turn almost completely around to check my blind spot.

[Dec 16,2013 10:54am - the_reverend ""]
ok, this weekend, I didn't put my glasses on a single time and it was like heaven. This morning, I put them on the car and it was back to motion sickness and a headache.
[Dec 17,2013 11:41am - shitcunt  ""]
Hm, that's an odd reaction, especially 11 days after getting them. You might want to speak to your eye doctor about that one.
[Dec 17,2013 1:16pm - the_reverend ""]
I also can't wear them while driving cause I see all the lights behind me and when car lights are in my rear-view mirror, I can see the light on the inside of the center of my glasses. Also, cars coming at me seem to make the sides of the glasses glow like some weird scifi LED glasses so all I can see is that bright light. Like this
[Dec 17,2013 4:07pm - Ivan Drago  ""]
I must break you!
[Dec 17,2013 6:21pm - the_reverend ""]
At the doctors having them look at the glasses, etc.
[Dec 17,2013 9:50pm - the_reverend ""]
they are redoing the lenses. my eyes are 5mm higher than the lenses are made for.
[Dec 18,2013 8:49am - shitcunt  ""]
Ah, that makes sense. Hopefully when they're done, these issues will stop.
[Dec 18,2013 8:51am - the_reverend ""]
I'm more looking for benefits than issues to stop.
[Dec 18,2013 9:59am - shitcunt  ""]
Well, if your vision isn't improving from the lenses, they probably fucked up your prescription as well.
[Dec 18,2013 10:07am - the_reverend ""]
To my knowledge, my vision was never bad. My friend who made lenses for years said that I have the absolute bare minimum prescription that they would give glasses for. The only thing is that I have astigmatism in both eyes. But I don't really know what that would do.
[Dec 18,2013 10:28am - Samantha ""]
Astigmatism is when your cornea is more of a football shape instead of round. It causes light to refract in weird ways. You might see streaks around street lights.
[Dec 18,2013 11:13am - shitcunt  ""]

the_reverend said:To my knowledge, my vision was never bad.

I was not aware of this. I assumed that it was because you got prescription glasses. My mistake.
[Dec 18,2013 11:54am - the_reverend ""]
I one never in my life had problems seeing anything nor have I had headaches that I know of from any vision problems. I don't to my knowledge see any halos or streaks around street signs.
I went into the lens place because everyone says to me all the time that I pay for vision so why not use it. When I went in, they said "oh yeah, you need glasses. It's going to be a whole new world" and then did a couple of those "this or this", checked me for glaucoma, and did the drops that are suppose to make you sensitive to light (but did nothing to me that I could tell).
The funny thing is that he said "this is with nothing, this is with glasses. See that, isn't that like it's HD" and I said "not really, it looks the same." and I think he said "These are going to help you so much"
[Dec 18,2013 12:41pm - Alx_Casket ""]
So thread title should have read "Someone finally got paid to call me an old man."
[Dec 18,2013 1:19pm - shitcunt  ""]
Wow. Your eye doc sounds like a douche.
[Dec 18,2013 3:15pm - Samantha ""]
Your vision probably isn't that bad. I don't think you have to wear glasses to drive unless it's worse than 20/40 or 20/50. Most peole don't even bother wearing glasses if their vision isn't any worse than that.
[Dec 18,2013 3:29pm - the_reverend ""]
2 people who made glasses said that minus the astigmatism, my prescription is the absolute minimum that they would give someone glasses for.
[Dec 27,2013 12:29pm - the_reverend ""]
Got the lenses remade. Still have headaches and motion sickness. Now though, I can't really focus on anything with out feeling that my eyes are being strained. So I just focus as far away in the distance as I can and try not to focus on anything close so I don't get sick. This has led me to constantly walk into things. Also, with all the crazy reflections off the lenses, I keep ducking things that are. Just reflected lights.
[Dec 27,2013 12:44pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Stop wearing glasses, MORAN
[Dec 27,2013 5:02pm - largefreakatzero ""]

Alx_Casket said:Stop wearing glasses, MORAN

WPP: instantly solved.
[Dec 27,2013 5:12pm - the_reverend ""]
I've definitely noticed how good my vision is. Without the glasses on, the world looks so much better.
[Dec 27,2013 10:51pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Cue positive soundtrack and you going on about life lesson you've learned.

ITT: After-school special

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