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Arduous Task is a racist nazi band

[Jan 13,2014 1:12pm - Not Heathen Hooligan Task  ""]

I think Arduous Task is pretty cool.
Definetly NOT white power.
[Jan 13,2014 1:13pm - Butthurt Kike  ""]
[Jan 13,2014 1:14pm - anonymous  ""]
If you knew your history asshole, the Totenkampf is a thousand year old pagan symbol! Its origins have nothing to do with Nazis. AT sings about that point in time.. The founding of Vinland, ancient battles, The Skraelings fighting the Vikings. It is a religion, and it is a race. Whats happening right now? Israel is systematically wiping out palestine! Maybe you should actually look deep into your relgion to see what they ultimately want to do with "gentiles" like me.
[Jan 13,2014 1:17pm - eyeroller  ""]

anonymous said:If you knew your history asshole, the Totenkampf is a thousand year old pagan symbol! Its origins have nothing to do with Nazis. AT sings about that point in time.. The founding of Vinland, ancient battles, The Skraelings fighting the Vikings. It is a religion, and it is a race. Whats happening right now? Israel is systematically wiping out palestine! Maybe you should actually look deep into your relgion to see what they ultimately want to do with "gentiles" like me.

Quit talking in the third person. Everyone knows your in the band, retard.
[Jan 13,2014 1:22pm - anonymous  ""]
I'm so sick of this "metal scene" being so filled with PC pussies like yourselves. Awww.. your all so easily offended. Maybe Death metal isn't your fucking thing. You are an embarrassment. Quickly judge a band without even knowing anything about their ideals. Because apparently our ideals go over your heads. Maybe you should stick to your pussified dignity metal core if you're so worried about offending someone. Dave Mustaine once said... "There are no taboos in metal". If you can't handle a band bashing a certain religion or race, then really, you should just all go back to listening to your "Creed" cds. I've got nothing else to say.
[Jan 13,2014 1:25pm - Knowledgeable Metal Comrade  ""]

anonymous said: Dave Mustaine once said... "There are no taboos in metal".

Dave Mustaine also refused to share the stage with Dissection during the rebirth tour because of Jon's beliefs, you uneducated fat fuck.
[Jan 13,2014 1:26pm - anonymous  ""]
Hey you are pretty smart! Did you figure it out that i'm in the band all by yourself? Its the most intelligent thing you posted! Good for you!
[Jan 13,2014 1:26pm - Yeti ""]

anonymous said:I'm so sick of this "metal scene" being so filled with PC pussies like yourselves. Awww.. your all so easily offended. Maybe Death metal isn't your fucking thing. You are an embarrassment. Quickly judge a band without even knowing anything about their ideals. Because apparently our ideals go over your heads. Maybe you should stick to your pussified dignity metal core if you're so worried about offending someone. Dave Mustaine once said... "There are no taboos in metal". If you can't handle a band bashing a certain religion or race, then really, you should just all go back to listening to your "Creed" cds. I've got nothing else to say.

"Air quotes" around "words that wouldn't normally get them" check, "PC pussies" check, "stick to [genre or artist the poster imagines a lesser poster would listen to]" advice check, appeal to higher authority check, and "go back to listening to your [comparable band] CDs" telloff, cheeeeeeeck.

Congratulations, you are officially a teenage YouTube commenter.
I wonder what your opinion on newer Metallica is, and whether I probably listen to Britney Speers [sic].
[Jan 13,2014 1:54pm - What?  ""]
When has Death Metal ever been about religious or racial hatred?
[Jan 13,2014 1:58pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

What? said:When has Death Metal ever been about religious or racial hatred?

Legit LOL
[Jan 13,2014 1:59pm - xmikex ""]

TimRiley said:lol Catastrophic O'whatever- I am employed as a video editor. I do concerts in my spare time for fun.

Avid or FCP?
[Jan 13,2014 1:59pm - TimRiley ""]
FCPX generally. I took a 40 hour training course to get certified in it by Apple. If I am forced to use a PC, i'll usually just use premier. I hear good things about Avid however.
[Jan 13,2014 2:00pm - FAGGET CONTAINMENT UNIT  ""]
[Jan 13,2014 2:01pm - arilliusbm ""]
This thread just made me choke on kale. Well done, rttp. FOURTEEN EIGHTY EIGHT OR NOOB
[Jan 13,2014 2:15pm - ITT  ""]
Arduous Task admits to being a racist band and calls us pussies for not hating Jews. Wren will still had bang to them at Metal Thursday.
[Jan 13,2014 2:34pm - anonymous  ""]
Arduous task... Incredible racist band! HORNS UP!
[Jan 13,2014 2:42pm - MopStopper88  ""]
Terry used to talk so much trash, too bad he's in hiding from all that one fund drama and can't throw his weight around. YOU READING THIS, TERRY? WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?!?
[Jan 13,2014 2:57pm - snortcraver  ""]
I am not Jewish, you can trust me with your money.
[Jan 13,2014 3:25pm - divaldo-gustavo ""]
I like make playin racistisms
[Jan 13,2014 4:13pm - xmikex ""]

TimRiley said:FCPX generally. I took a 40 hour training course to get certified in it by Apple. If I am forced to use a PC, i'll usually just use premier. I hear good things about Avid however.

Well this is a separate conversation that I could have at length. Butttt I don't wanna steal "Arduous Task's" (??... lol) spotlight.
[Jan 13,2014 4:25pm - TimRiley ""]
i suppose we could make a video editing thread
[Jan 13,2014 4:26pm - TimRiley ""]
this is the most recent video i did. had rob from robo sound do the audio- he did a killer job multitracking it. https://vimeo.com/82990912
[Jan 13,2014 4:31pm - xmikex ""]
Is this your Vimeo account with all the city council meetings?
[Jan 13,2014 4:34pm - TimRiley ""]
haha it's my work's account. i post my concerts there so i don't have to pay for video hosting on my own.
[Jan 13,2014 4:55pm - conservationist ""]
This issue is just going to heat up as democracy dies. If you're a nationalist, support Zionism.
[Jan 13,2014 4:56pm - Snowden NLI  ""]

anonymous said:If you knew your history asshole, the Totenkampf is a thousand year old pagan symbol!

Haha, amazing.
[Jan 13,2014 5:00pm - TimRiley ""]
"Use of the symbol as a military insignia began with the cavalry of the Prussian army under Frederick the Great. Frederick formed Husaren-Regiment Nr. 5 (von Ruesch), a Hussar regiment commanded by Colonel von Ruesch. These Hussars adopted a black uniform with a Totenkopf emblazoned on the front of their mirlitons and wore it on the field in the War of Austrian Succession and in the Seven Years' War.
In 1808, when the regiment was reformed into Leib-Husaren Regiments Nr.1 and Nr.2, the Totenkopf remained a part of the uniform. During the Napoleonic Wars, when Frederick William, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, was killed in battle, his troops changed the colour of their uniforms to black or apple green, with a Totenkopf on their shakos in mourning their dead leader (Other sources claim that the "Black Brunswickers" were so equipped while Friedrich Wilhelm of Brunswick lived, as a sign of revenge on the French.[3]
The skull continued to be used throughout the Prussian and Brunswick Armed forces until 1918, and some of the stormtroopers that led the last German offensives on the Western Front in 1918 used skull badges.[4]" that's the history between its origin as a Pagan symbol up until the Third Reich adopted it, much like they adopted the Swastika and removed the 4 dots- borrowing it from Indian Religions (which never made much sense to me) A shame that symbols that were used throughout near-ancient history got spoiled in the eyes of the world due to one military campaign
[Jan 13,2014 5:01pm - TimRiley ""]
albeit, the most infamous military campaign know to man.
[Jan 13,2014 5:02pm - Snowden NLI  ""]
Anyhow, any dingbats who don't understand the huge contextual difference between "anti-Christianity" and "anti-Judaism" (hint: even though they might both seem to be anti-religious, only one of them is closely tied to a long history of racism and oppression, and 100% serves the interests of square politicians and shitty rich white dudes who couldn't care less about your metal/pagan/etc. pride) should stop trying to write songs about either one.
[Jan 13,2014 5:22pm - Heathen Hooligan Task  ""]
You're still running your mouth Eric. We know all about you. You tried to be black metal but couldn't cut it. Now you're a leftist city boy "activist" trying to slander our band. Just remember.... to quote December Wolves.... WE'RE EVERYWHERE.
[Jan 13,2014 5:55pm - Snowden NLI  ""]
Tim, you're talking about a generic skull-and-crossbones. Which is not what anyone is talking about in the context of racism or anti-semitism. The SS version, which is what people mean when they say "totenkopf" outside of the wikipedia page you're quoting, is a specific and easily recognizable version of the skull and crossbones - with a squat little skull hunkered down over two barely visible bones.
[Jan 13,2014 5:55pm - TimRiley ""]
i did indeed quote a wikipedia page. got me through high school haha
[Jan 13,2014 5:57pm - Snowden NLI  ""]

anonymous said:If you can't handle a band bashing a certain religion or race, then really, you should just all go back to listening to your "Creed" cds. I've got nothing else to say.

[Jan 13,2014 5:57pm - TimRiley ""]
I'm a Freemason. we use a lot of fucked up symbols too, surprisingly.
[Jan 13,2014 6:00pm - Snowden NLI  ""]

TimRiley said:i did indeed quote a wikipedia page. got me through high school haha

Right? But the thing is that the wikipedia page you quoted isn't about what anyone was talking about. You might as well quote the page on the jolly roger or whatever. Neither that nor some hussar badge are what anyone is talking about when they say "it's weird that this band that rips off Arghoslent cover art and has a song about burning the star of David also uses a totenkopf design on their webpage."

I mean, I don't really care that much what these goofballs believe. But if you're gonna bother replying to a thread like this either own up to it or try to make sense when you defend them.
[Jan 13,2014 6:01pm - Snowden NLI  ""]
Or start a new thread about freemason symbolisim, probably the best choice actually!
[Jan 13,2014 6:03pm - TimRiley ""]
jolly roger lol now i gotta go listen to some Running Wild and put a bandana on and run through the streets with a fake sword.
[Jan 13,2014 6:07pm - TimRiley ""]
on the search for One-Eyed Wily
[Jan 13,2014 6:16pm - BeholdJudas  ""]

TimRiley said:on the search for One-Eyed Wily

And the $18 that he hid inside a stuffed pepper.
[Jan 13,2014 7:33pm - Butthurt Kike  ""]
[Jan 13,2014 7:55pm - xmikex ""]


Whose idea was it to use a Logitech webcam mic to record the vocals?
[Jan 13,2014 10:13pm - TimRiley ""]
If we want to be technical in the realm of Metal, the answer to your question, Mike, is Varg of Burzum: "For "singing" I used whatever microphone the sound technician handed me, or - when I recorded "Filosofem" - I asked for the worst microphone he had, and ended up using the microphone in a headset. " hahahaha still a hilarious story.
[Jan 13,2014 10:23pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]

racism said:There's this super racist band in Connecticut called Arduous Task that are anti semitic and racist. They are playing fests and shows in the area. Boycott this band at all costs. Fucking racist assholes

You don't like to celebrate diversity? For shame...
[Jan 13,2014 10:27pm - TimRiley ""]

Big%20bag%20of%20assorted%20nigger%20parts said:
racism said:There's this super racist band in Connecticut called Arduous Task that are anti semitic and racist. They are playing fests and shows in the area. Boycott this band at all costs. Fucking racist assholes

You don't like to celebrate diversity? For shame...

Your username reminds me of a certain album by a ridiculous NS grindcore band that appeared on some random metal website i was on something about 12 years ago. still remember the band and album title cause it was so ridiculous.
[Jan 13,2014 11:19pm - KEVORD ""]
This band Arduous Task seems to be ripping off Aghoslent big time including the shitty political views. But the bigger crime here seems to be this new annoying TimRiley poster.
[Jan 13,2014 11:19pm - RTTP DEPT OF CANNED NIGGER RESPONSE  ""]
This is the exact same bullshit rationale that every NAZI band back pedals into when someone throws out the N word. Post racist shit on Facebook all day. Write songs about killing Jews and then tuck your tail between your legs when people point out the obvious. At least stand up for your shitty beliefs if you can't even fake a decent black metal band.
[Jan 13,2014 11:28pm - TimRiley ""]
TimRiley Poseur* thanks Kev. i don't know anything, claim to know nothing, and I'm too busy being an alcoholic to care. Not quite Divaldo level though. that's extreme.
[Jan 13,2014 11:32pm - TimRiley ""]
arguing about music is kinda ghey. just saying.

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