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DRUDKH Stream Collection, Split EP with WINTERFYLLETH

[Jan 17,2014 11:06am - the_reverend ""]
Ukrainian black metal pioneers DRUDKH are streaming their new singles collection, 'Eastern Frontier in Flames' on Metal Bandcamp. 'Eastern Frontier in Flames' compiles rare DRUDKH material taken from the long out of print 'Anti Urban' and 'Slavonic Chronicles' EPs.

In addition, DRUDKH are also streaming their split EP with the UK's WINTEFYLLETH, titled 'Thousands of Moons Ago /The Gates’. 'Thousands of Moons Ago / The Gates’, features four-tracks taking the shape of cover songs recorded by both bands, paying tribute to their early influences. The artwork and track list for both releases can be found below:

Track List:

'Eastern Frontier in Flames'
Fallen Into Oblivion
Tam Gdzie Gasnie Dzien
Indiánská Písen Hruzy
…W Krainie Drzew (HEFEYSTOS cover)
Ten, Ktery Se Vyhyba Svetlu (UNCLEAN cover)
Recidivus (SACRILEGIUM cover)

'Thousands of Moons Ago /The Gates’
DRUDKH - …W Krainie Drzew (HEFEYSTOS cover)
DRUDKH - Ten, Ktery Se Vyhyba Svetlu (UNCLEAN cover)
DRUDKH - Recidivus (SACRILEGIUM cover)

'Thousands of Moons Ago / The Gates’ will see a release on January 2014 as a dark blue, hand-numbered 12" Lp limited to 666 copies. ‘Eastern Frontier in Flames’ will be released in North America on Jan. 21 (Jan. 17 worldwide).

Updated DRUDKH news will be made available at the Season of Mist website and the DRUDKH Facebook page.

"Eternal Turn of the Wheel feels like an ego-less union, a quartet gladly cooperating for an exhilarating half an hour. At most any point here, don't be surprised to find your fist in the air, your foot tapping on the floor, or your mind somehow pulling for the conclusion of some dramatic quest. It's that good." - Pitchfork

“When Gods Leave Their Emerald Halls" is the kind of blast-beaten, atmospheric, gloomy synth-laden black metal that speeds through grey forests on a pack of wolves.” - NP
[Jan 17,2014 11:15am - MillenialKingdom ""]
This is fucking awesome, one of my favorite bands.
[Jan 17,2014 11:32am - arilliusbm ""]
They've come a long way since their NS Days and 14 unofficial MySpace pages with no way to contact the actual band.
[Jan 17,2014 11:40am - Yeti ""]
Interesting. neither band has interested me much with their newer material, but I would like to hear this. Winterfylleth "The Ghost of Heritage" is killer.

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