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[Jan 24,2014 2:11am - varg  ""]
1. A method of denying that one has no friends by choice, rather than as a circumstance of one's personality and life choices.
[Jan 24,2014 2:13am - arilliusbm ""]
2. Go to bed, anon.
[Jan 24,2014 9:10am - Dan Hammer  ""]
Can Sonic Pulse get on this?
[Jan 24,2014 9:41am - eye-gore ""]
[Jan 25,2014 6:42pm - 卐14BOOTSTORM88卐  ""]
Elitism is what happens when the true warrior spirit rises above the rest. The majority of people will never even feel what it's like to be alive. The bootboy knows what it's like to be alive, as he smashes Reds into pulp and runs from the law through the night!

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