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gay people are pretty cool

[Jul 13,2004 3:00pm - Soloman ""]
So anyway, whats the gayest album title you've ever heard?

For me it's Anti-Anti's "Hooray for Everthing".
[Jul 13,2004 3:12pm - JellyFish ""]
Slayer 'Undisputed Attitude' or maybe 'St. Anger'
[Jul 13,2004 3:26pm - cdan ""]
"Hot Damn!" by some fags...everytime i die, i think.
[Jul 13,2004 3:31pm - Slayer272 ""]
System Of A Down - Steal This Album

got it cause someone told me it was like thier first, which was ok but nothing special, this sucked, they went pop or some shit
[Jul 13,2004 4:03pm - Soloman ""]
Oh yeah everytime i die are fags. They are totally gay. U read their lyrics? They are all about boys holding hands and getting married. The thing is they think it's ironic but it's just gay but i think that singer dude is pretending to be ironic to bring the young scene boys into his closet with him for a treat. They even have that song called Cahk Sucker Puncher. Have you seen their music video at the roller rink? ha ha.
[Jul 13,2004 5:09pm - JellyFish ""]
wicked gay

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