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It's 2014 and people still don't know the difference between a digipak and jewel case?

[Jan 29,2014 2:10pm - arilliusbm ""]

ATTN: Tim Riley
[Jan 29,2014 2:18pm - RTTP DEPARTMENT OF MEDIA  ""]
These are Digipaks.... right?

[Jan 29,2014 2:32pm - KEVORD ""]
Doesn't Dwyer mention digipaks enough that everyone should know what they are?
[Jan 29,2014 2:35pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Between Digipaks and FlexFits, we should all be experts.
[Jan 29,2014 2:52pm - TimRiley ""]
Guilty as charged.
[Jan 29,2014 2:59pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 29,2014 4:14pm - TimRiley ""]

largefreakatzero said:Between Digipaks and FlexFits, we should all be experts.

FlexFits? Oh man. This takes me back to like 2005 when I saw Goreality at Flywheel and bought a Flexfit hat from them. Were you at that show, Aril?
[Jan 29,2014 4:19pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 29,2014 4:20pm - TimRiley ""]
good for you. it wasn't that great. the sound guy was like 85. literally. he was partially deaf so that didn't help matters in sound monitoring and tweaking.
[Jan 29,2014 4:37pm - KEVORD ""]
Everyone watch out for the falling names dropping out of the sky.
[Jan 29,2014 8:16pm - demondave ""]
[Jan 30,2014 12:28am - Trashcan man  ""]
Open jewel case / Digipak.
If suck:

If ok:
Insert disc into computer.

Spend as little as possible. Nobody (aside from pack rats / people with too much time on their hands) cares about physical CD and packaging anymore.

Personally, I think I like vinyl with Digital Download the most. MP3s get on my computer easily and quickly and the vinyl is a cool novelty with art in a larger format that might not definitely end up in garbage.
[Jan 30,2014 2:00am - Divaldo-Gustavo ""]

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