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When did the music community become high school?

[Feb 3,2014 11:56pm - I don't have to tell you  ""]
Haven taken the time to look through some of the topics on here and just from general experience, it seems like people spend more time gossiping about bands and their members than actually listening to music. What's with all the drama? Trolling is one thing, though I've yet to see a good example of it here, but I'm just wondering. Has it always been this way? It's pretty sad that this is the way the community seems to be. Jaded and filled with teenage girl level drama going around.
[Feb 4,2014 12:01am - HookedonMetal ""]
I try not to get too involved in it myself, but sadly a lot of that does take place on this forum. It's best taken with a grain of salt.
[Feb 4,2014 12:08am - RTTP DEPARTMENT OF MY WOO WOO WURTS  ""]
It has come to our attention that OP was indeed born in the 90s and should take their brool story back to Fagbook to cry with the rest of the faggets about it.
[Feb 4,2014 7:19am - King Thünderstöol  ""]

HookedonMetal said:I try not to get too involved in it myself, but sadly a lot of that does take place on this forum. It's best taken with a grain of salt.



YOU AND THAT BIG FAT BITCH YOU'VE BEEN SLEEPING WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Feb 4,2014 9:05am - goatrider ""]
This has been human nature for the duration of history. Get a bunch of people who have something in common together, and it will quickly dissolve into bickering and ridiculous internet drama and pictures of stuffed peppers. It's a fact of life that is not unlike rape - you can kick and scream, or you can lay back and take it.

Or you can not go on rttp anymore, but then a pussy is you.
[Feb 4,2014 9:42am - shutup fagget  ""]

goatrider said:This has been human nature for the duration of history. Get a bunch of people who have something in common together, and it will quickly dissolve into bickering and ridiculous internet drama and pictures of stuffed peppers. It's a fact of life that is not unlike rape - you can kick and scream, or you can lay back and take it.

Or you can not go on rttp anymore, but then a pussy is you.

shutup fagget
[Feb 4,2014 9:45am - xmikex ""]
You could have started a music thread, but you started a drama thread... to complain about drama threads instead. So much for being the change you want to see in the world.

Facebook took a bite out of RTTP by letting everyone think that they had a voice about everything, and that they're entitled to having that voice echoed back at them. When I read FB discussions on "The new ATG is probably gonna suck but I still think it'll be awesome and I can't wait \m/" I know exactly why people think music discussion died on RTTP.
[Feb 4,2014 10:32am - DYA DEPARTMENT OF MEMORY... SOMETHING  ""]
> comes here to complain about anonymous bitching
> bitches anonymously
[Feb 4,2014 10:41am - anonchalant  ""]
[Feb 4,2014 10:44am - Uhhh yea  ""]
No, I think the OP is talking about your little mean girls group. Everyone knows who is in it. Stop acting like you're better than everyone because you're not.
[Feb 4,2014 10:52am - xmikex ""]
This same old tired shit thread yields same old tired shit results. You won't believe what happens next.
[Feb 4,2014 11:12am - Dr. Sarkdonicus  ""]
The RTTP bureaucrats are taking over, where is the RTTP DEPARTMENT OF ANTIDEPARTMENTS?
[Feb 4,2014 11:14am - Dr. Sarkdonicus  ""]

xmikex said:"The new ATG is probably gonna suck but I still think it'll be awesome and I can't wait \m/"

[Feb 4,2014 11:39am - Yeti ""]
I don't recall a time where this wasn't the precedent. The only difference is what Mike pointed out, FB allows these same discussions to occur without relentless trolling. For shame.
[Feb 4,2014 11:39am - KEVORD ""]

Uhhh%20yea said:No, I think the OP is talking about your little mean girls group. Everyone knows who is in it. Stop acting like you're better than everyone because you're not.
We'll all stop being friends on FB now because it upsets you.
[Feb 4,2014 12:40pm - department of obvious shit  ""]

Uhhh%20yea said:No, I think the OP is talking about your little mean girls group. Everyone knows who is in it. Stop acting like you're better than everyone because you're not.

Also I am the OP and my band gets made fun of here, so I just pretended to wander in as if I didn't know the score, then samefagged up the thread when backup didn't magically appear.
[Feb 4,2014 2:06pm - KarlMarx  ""]
To be fair, it's not much of a stretch to post a thread like this on here.
[Feb 4,2014 2:12pm - feature presentation  ""]
[Feb 4,2014 2:40pm - shutup murrum faggets  ""]

department%20of%20obvious%20shit said:
Uhhh%20yea said:No, I think the OP is talking about your little mean girls group. Everyone knows who is in it. Stop acting like you're better than everyone because you're not.

Also I am the OP and my band gets made fun of here, so I just pretended to wander in as if I didn't know the score, then samefagged up the thread when backup didn't magically appear.

shutup murrum faggets
[Feb 4,2014 2:40pm - goatcatalyst ""]

I%20don said:Haven taken the time to look through some of the topics on here and just from general experience, it seems like people spend more time gossiping about bands and their members than actually listening to music. What's with all the drama? Trolling is one thing, though I've yet to see a good example of it here, but I'm just wondering. Has it always been this way? It's pretty sad that this is the way the community seems to be. Jaded and filled with teenage girl level drama going around.

[Feb 4,2014 2:53pm - feature presentation  ""]
[Feb 4,2014 2:53pm - feature presentation  ""]
[Feb 4,2014 3:56pm - xmikex ""]
OP and sympathizers continue to contribute zero to RTTP
[Feb 4,2014 4:33pm - Kotex Scrotum  ""]

xmikex said:OP and sympathizers continue to contribute zero to RTTP

Go work on your kvlt zine and shaddup.
[Feb 4,2014 4:45pm - KEVORD ""]
Our zine couldn't be any less kvlt.
[Feb 4,2014 5:11pm - King Thünderstöol  ""]

I WILL BE ON THE COVER OF ISSUE #4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Feb 4,2014 5:41pm - KEVORD ""]
Ok that made me LOL.
[Feb 4,2014 6:13pm - CODEX OBSCURUM KVLT MANAGER  ""]
[Feb 4,2014 7:10pm - xmikex ""]
We've been asking for it ever since the Codex Twitter was only limited to 50 followers on cassette.
[Feb 4,2014 11:09pm - Samantha ""]
If RTTP were high school, this is what the prom would look like:

[Feb 4,2014 11:38pm - RTTPPHONIXMASTER  ""]
[Feb 6,2014 12:49am - TUBBY  ""]
IM DISAPPOINTED at the LACK of vore related content, Please add the vore.

tl;dr: moar vore.
[Feb 6,2014 12:50am - TUBBY  ""]
Also... is cub porn legal here? Just checking
[Feb 6,2014 9:29am - weak  ""]
You're all fucking faggots anyways.. Going on the Internet and posting on forums Hahaha.. Get a fucking life.
[Feb 6,2014 9:54am - King Thünderstöol  ""]

I AM THE GREATEST TROLL OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Feb 7,2014 12:36am - TUBBY  ""]
Excuse me sir, cub porn. Is it legal?
[Feb 7,2014 8:53am - Yeti ""]
Tubby? oh yes....Tubby.
[Feb 7,2014 9:18am - xmikex ""]

shutup%20fagget said:
goatrider said:This has been human nature for the duration of history. Get a bunch of people who have something in common together, and it will quickly dissolve into bickering and ridiculous internet drama and pictures of stuffed peppers. It's a fact of life that is not unlike rape - you can kick and scream, or you can lay back and take it.

Or you can not go on rttp anymore, but then a pussy is you.

shutup fagget

This wasn't a justified SUF. Throwing a flag.
[Feb 7,2014 9:55am - RTTP DEPARTMENT OF EARL HEBNER  ""]
This SUF has been overturned by the suits in the back.
[Feb 7,2014 4:19pm - Casual observer  ""]
When did RTTP become Mean Girls?
[Feb 9,2014 2:45am - TUBBY  ""]
Mean Girls are best digested slow

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