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[Feb 23,2014 3:16pm - Mexecutioner  ""]
I am ready to kick your ass IRL, you want to talk shit, lets fucking do this, you name a time, place we both bring our friends to record me kicking your ass.
[Feb 23,2014 3:20pm - mike volpi  ""]
Contrary to trolls being idiots and know im not a violent person, i have no interest in fighting any one, regardless of how childish they act. But i love you mexi troll <3
[Feb 23,2014 3:24pm - Mexecutioner  ""]
Bring your camera to take pics so we can document him bloody and crying.
[Feb 23,2014 3:32pm - TimRiley_OFFICIAL ""]
;) *wink*
[Feb 23,2014 3:35pm - mike volpi  ""]
Nah bro the camera is for sending you dick pics that you ask me for. You bought it fir my birthday dammit
[Feb 23,2014 3:58pm - Translation  ""]

mike%20volpi said:Contrary to trolls being idiots and know im not a violent person, i have no interest in fighting any one, regardless of how childish they act. But i love you mexi troll <3

Aril is an ogre sized troll and I am scared.
[Feb 23,2014 5:24pm - arilliusbm ""]
?? This is the first time I've seen rttp today. What is this even about
[Feb 23,2014 5:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
If this is true and really him, then I don't know why his panties are in a bunch. Because I called him a DINK one time? Grow up guy, if you really want to fight, be my guest. I've got about 80 pounds on you.
[Feb 23,2014 11:00pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Aril had better fight challenges in the 90s
[Feb 24,2014 1:23am - mike volpi  ""]
Lmfao no its not me aril i had nothing to do with this. Apparently other people enjoy starting trouble , while admirable i can start my own trouble
[Feb 24,2014 6:57am - arilliusbm ""]
[Feb 24,2014 7:20am - DYA is POPCORN COMMISSAR  ""]

Alx_Casket said:Aril had better fight challenges in NBA Jam vs. Bova
[Feb 24,2014 8:04am - Mexecutioner  ""]

arilliusbm said:If this is true and really him, then I don't know why his panties are in a bunch. Because I called him a DINK one time? Grow up guy, if you really want to fight, be my guest. I've got about 80 pounds on you.

Bring it on fatso, its about time somebody shoved their foot in your face. Dont be a bitch about it and lets fight.
[Feb 24,2014 8:05am - arilliusbm ""]
[Feb 24,2014 9:10am - conservationist ""]
I think the internet has finally jumped the shark.
[Feb 24,2014 9:16am - the_reverend ""]
Is this a four bottles of alcohol sort of birthday thread?
[Feb 24,2014 9:50am - mike volpi  ""]
Nope this is a thread of little boys who have nothing better to do that try and cause animosity between people
[Feb 24,2014 10:19am - Mexecutioner  ""]

the_reverend said:Is this a four bottles of alcohol sort of birthday thread?

If Aril wont fight me, I challenge him to a burrito eating contest, hear me cabron??? Let's eat and see who the winner is.
[Feb 24,2014 10:23am - arilliusbm ""]
Burrito? Now you're speaking my language. ITS ON
[Feb 24,2014 11:29am - HookedonMetal ""]
I'm always down for some good Mexican food.
[Feb 24,2014 11:42am - Mexicutioner  ""]

arilliusbm said:Burrito? Now you're speaking my language. ITS ON

Challenge accepted, Volpi is not invited because he is a fucking dink.
[Feb 24,2014 11:57am - Volpiño  ""]
Ay yi, mis dos papás están luchando.

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