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The Walking Dead SE04E10 - "Inmates"

[Feb 23,2014 7:17pm - the_reverend ""]

this was last weeks. I'm watching it now. I like that they are following the different bands that came out of the prison. This will go back to showing some of the humanity/human struggles that makes the comic work so well.
[Feb 23,2014 7:27pm - the_reverend ""]
that little girl has to have been the girl who was mutilating rats.
[Feb 23,2014 7:34pm - the_reverend ""]
they also should have stabbed people through the windows of the bus first
[Feb 23,2014 7:39pm - MotleyGrue ""]
AMC channel shows last weeks episode at 8pm before the new one. That little girl is psycho and needs to be fed to the zombies.
[Feb 23,2014 7:51pm - the_reverend ""]
She's a future antagonist in the making. Funny, I played the walking dead video game and the house the rick/carl/michonne are in reminds me of the house they get to in the video game.
[Feb 23,2014 8:52pm - Spence ""]

MotleyGrue said:That little girl is psycho and needs to be fed to the zombies.

Huzzah for hoping AMC continues the pattern of killing off the only interesting characters in the show.

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