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Local noteworthy man about town tries to delete his System32 directory

[Feb 27,2014 11:44am - the_reverend ""]
but windows stopped me! que lastima.
[Feb 27,2014 2:15pm - DYA is A DOTTY LOSER, YOU  ""]
Did you try turning the directory off and then on again?
[Feb 27,2014 2:27pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, it didn't do anything so I wiped it.
[Feb 27,2014 8:12pm - xmikex ""]
What version of Word Perfect are you running?
[Feb 27,2014 8:50pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]
regedit. select all. delete
[Feb 27,2014 9:08pm - the_reverend ""]
I should have done that too.

I took out a 250GB SSD and put in a 750GB SSD in my home laptop after cloning the 250gb to the 750GB
Then I brought the 250GB to work, too out the 256GB HD and put in the 250GB SSD.
Tried to deleted the System32 and it wouldn't let me.

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