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Hey Rev/Carina....

[Jul 14,2004 1:09pm - Lynneaus ""]
i was just curious if either of you had a site of your non-band related photography?

im interested in getting some prints for my place.... and im always looking for different stuff.

[Jul 14,2004 1:13pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I don't usually put much stuff up here though:

also, http://portfolio.returntothepit.com & http://portfolio.defyunlearn.com

I should really put more pictures up there, but oh well...
[Jul 14,2004 1:20pm - succubus ""]
yeah and aaron recently redid my portfolio page and the files have yet to be uploaded so you'll see nothing on my portfolio
[Jul 14,2004 1:30pm - Lynneaus ""]
oh no lol...there was one white stripes pics... hehehe

ok i browsed both... im gonna have to look at my crap at home and see what would really workw ith existing stuff already... that is if you do sell prints...?
[Jul 14,2004 1:32pm - succubus ""]
heh...right...also aaron still has to correct a typo for me...
oh lynne...i'm going to try to leave work around 4:40...i think i should be there by 5ish...i will call once i'm on 495 though
[Jul 14,2004 1:38pm - the_reverend ""]
lynne, for you of course.
[Jul 14,2004 1:41pm - Lynneaus ""]
okie dokiee...

i havent done anything all day so either way ... dont get fired over it hahaha
[Jul 14,2004 1:55pm - succubus ""]
wow..i wish

i should be so lucky...then i'd get unemplyment
[Jul 14,2004 1:59pm - the_reverend ""]
someone at my work just gat his 2 weeks.
of course, he's been here 1/2 the time i've been and is a high job title than me.
[Jul 15,2004 8:33am - succubus ""]
our bill at the restaurant ended in 666
[Jul 15,2004 8:46am - Lynneaus ""]
ya we are so metal :doublehorns:
[Jul 15,2004 9:04am - succubus ""]
oh and it really wasn't that far from 290 that's a good central area..we need to do it again! there are a bunch of other places around too
[Jul 15,2004 9:07am - Lynneaus ""]
of course

did you get lost btw? lol
[Jul 15,2004 9:10am - succubus ""]
naww it was pretty easy!
i'm pretty sure there is a vegetarian chinese restaurant not too far that aaron took me too...the area looked familiar
[Jul 15,2004 10:24am - dirteecrayon ""]
hey aaron,

i took a peek at your portfolio. great picture of your cousin. i love her pig tails!!!

the color in the photo is amazing. it's extremly organic and lush.
[Jul 15,2004 10:55am - the_reverend ""]
thanks... that was with my original D100 with a 28-70mm lens.
it was taken last 4th of july.
I printed that out at 8x12 and gave them a copy.
[Jul 15,2004 2:11pm - succubus ""]
i'm glad you didn't take any pics of me in the water with your sister or your brother's girlfriend =)
[Jul 15,2004 2:18pm - the_reverend ""]
yes I did... those are in the folder marked "private" since you kept popping out of your top.
[Jul 15,2004 3:52pm - succubus ""]

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