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kill yourself for satan

[Jul 15,2004 12:09am - silky ""]
sacraficial suicide by deicide is one of the greatest songs ever written. I haven't even thought about that song in years, ever since an ex-girlfreind of mine jacked it from me. at least that theiving bitch had good taste in music. I was just playing guitar a minute ago when from out of nowhere I played that song. I must purchase another copy of that album first thing tomorrow. and driller killer rules, too. and jim beam in a can.
[Jul 15,2004 12:11am - Hoser ""]
are you tweaking out, dude?:shocked:
[Jul 15,2004 12:15am - the_reverend ""]
weird... I just played that on the show this passed week.
[Jul 15,2004 12:18am - silky ""]
Hoser said:are you tweaking out, dude?:shocked:

a little. I guess. :tightiewhities:
[Jul 15,2004 12:19am - Hoser ""]
Tim.....we should get together and have a warm milk.
[Jul 15,2004 12:22am - silky ""]
yup. I'm off tomorrow. start lactating.
[Jul 15,2004 12:23am - Hoser ""]
You got it champ.....my nipples await your hot breath!
[Jul 15,2004 4:42am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Great album, great band, great evil music!!!!
[Apr 7,2005 7:21pm - sik  ""]
nipples and evil music... great!
[Apr 7,2005 9:31pm - metalmatt666 ""]
[Apr 7,2005 11:25pm - powerkok ""]
fuck ya, the first Deicide is so sick. I think my fav is Carnage in the Temple of the Damned.

Oh and Metalmatt is a douchebag.
[Apr 7,2005 11:38pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
:satancross: Sacrificial Suicide :satancross:

Satanized, crucified, feel the wrath of suicide
Incus fear of the sphere, angel darkness disappears
Covenant, blasphemous, open up unholiness
Father Satan, let me lust unholy sins

Suicide sacrifice
Destruction of holy life
Blood of unholy knife
Satan I sacrifice

Behold the crucifix, symbol of sterility
I am crucifix - Satan
Suicide sacrifice, profeasting evil night
Lust into reality - Satan
Angel of the black abyss, Satan lord I hail
Insane blasphemous - Satan
Sacrifical suicide, Ritual to end my life
Behemoth incess my fate - Satan

Damned to hell, end my life
Wrath of God - Satan
Sin my soul, blessed with fire
Throne of stone - Satan
I must die, in my wake
Seventh gate - Satan
Suicide, end my life
I must die - Satan

Suicide sacrifice, thrust of evil deep inside
Lucifer never lies, take away thee mortal life
Demigod, Satan son, commend to body to the ground
Father Satan, I'll find peace when I am God

[Apr 8,2005 3:44am - Todd_Bombshelter ""]
Lunatic Of God's Creation:satancross:

Servants of death, enchanter of pain
From the land of no return, you'll kill again
Smear the blood on naked corpse

Lunatic of God's creation
No resist
Hear the voices of devastation

There is darkness in his eyes
And you won't see it, before you die
Feel the knife of the Lord Divine's


My favorite off that album:NEWHORNS:
[Apr 8,2005 8:55am - largefreakatzero ""]
Great disk -- nice sleazy production too. That disk still periodically finds its way into my CD player.
[Apr 8,2005 10:48am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
My CD booklet is autographed, yay for me!
[Apr 8,2005 10:51am - malettey ""]
deicide sucks...some of the most boring music i've ever heard
[Apr 8,2005 1:15pm - powerkok ""]

I would say theyre annoying, possibly too corny, and maybe a little jumbled, but never would I say deicide is a boring band.
They are complete assholes tho.
[Apr 8,2005 1:46pm - Christraper ""]
Brian and Steve are ok guys
[Jun 25,2011 1:25am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Jun 25,2011 1:32am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I am pretty ok.

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