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Epic is making a new Unreal Tournament

[May 8,2014 2:44pm - Alx_Casket ""]
And it will be completely free, not just free to play. Dunno if any of you played UT2003, but that shit was a whole lot of fun.

[May 8,2014 2:46pm - arilliusbm ""]
I still play UT2004 with Ross. Where are you Fools at?
[May 8,2014 2:49pm - ark soul of a legendary warrior  ""]
i like their approach to this a lot. will play the fuck out of it. FACING WORLDS.

jim i've been playing dark souls whenever i get a hour or three.
[May 8,2014 2:49pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Thought you were going to say "Only UT99 is real." I haven't played since high school LAN parties, but I'm looking forward to seeing what this new one is all about. Flack gun and rocket launcher ftw.
[May 8,2014 4:35pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I'm in!
[May 9,2014 2:26pm - the_reverend ""]
hm... the unreal engine is cool

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