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Fucking awesome....

[Jul 16,2014 11:11pm - Hoser ""]


I'm sure that this will never get bumped and conveniently allowed to drop to the bottom of the feed, but meh....it's just our rights and stuff. Fuck you Socialists.
[Jul 17,2014 12:52am - DA_troof_shall_set_you_free  ""]
Living in the middle of nowhere and interacting with nobody is the best way to develop a world view.
[Jul 17,2014 8:51am - Burnsy ""]
Hahaha the fuck is that bug's life shit at the end? Taped over a recording?
[Jul 17,2014 9:50am - largefreakatzero ""]
Dude just needs to move out of NY. Even though he's right, it's not going to get him anywhere in that shit state.
[Jul 17,2014 10:13am - ark medæval times  ""]

Hoser said:Fuck you Socialists.
you still have no idea what that word is.
[Jul 17,2014 10:20am - Marxist  ""]
Obama and all liberals are Marxists.
[Jul 17,2014 10:41am - DYA is DINK DINK DINK DINK  ""]
what does this have to do with Agalloch
[Jul 17,2014 11:41am - lol Hoser  ""]

Burnsy said:Hahaha the fuck is that bug's life shit at the end? Taped over a recording?

[Jul 17,2014 2:54pm - Headbanging_Man ""]

DA_troof_shall_set_you_free said:Living in the middle of nowhere and interacting with nobody is the best way to develop a world view.

Obviously you haven't been paying attention to some of this board's legendary threads, with titles like "Wow" and "This kicks ass", and the intense, multifaceted discussions which have followed their provocative content (Lamb of God and Trivium videos, e.g.).
[Jul 17,2014 4:53pm - DYA is DUAL BISMUTH YAW GATE  ""]
Don't forget I Wrestled A Bear Once!
[Jul 17,2014 6:09pm - Alx_Casket ""]

Headbanging_Man said:
DA_troof_shall_set_you_free said:Living in the middle of nowhere and interacting with nobody is the best way to develop a world view.

Obviously you haven't been paying attention to some of this board's legendary threads, with titles like "Wow" and "This kicks ass", and the intense, multifaceted discussions which have followed their provocative content (Lamb of God and Trivium videos, e.g.).

I enjoy looking at the archive of Hoser thread titles on a slow day.
[Jul 18,2014 2:27pm - Hoser ""]
I keep it interesting you fag. Just love me or leave me.
[Jul 18,2014 2:58pm - Ukranian Voting Booth  ""]
Come fly the komrade skies.
[Jul 19,2014 2:53am - return to the fagget  ""]
Hoser has hemorrhoids
[Jul 21,2014 9:32pm - guy incognito  ""]

return%20to%20the%20fagget said:Hoser has hemorrhoids

[Jul 23,2014 6:02pm - Hoser ""]
My ass looks like a party favor every time I fart

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