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Myrkur self-titled debut streaming in full on Pitchfork

[Sep 10,2014 11:21am - TimRiley ""]
Myrkur from Denmark's debut album is now available for streaming via Pitchfork.

[Sep 10,2014 11:27am - TimRiley ""]
this is weird.
[Sep 10,2014 11:33am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I listened to it last week. odd stuff.
[Sep 10,2014 11:39am - TimRiley ""]
Can't tell if Metal, Assembly of Light Choir, or Enigma.
[Sep 10,2014 1:33pm - xmikex ""]
Sucks and old news
[Sep 10,2014 2:38pm - Burnsy ""]
Listened last week. So incredibly fucking boring.
[Sep 10,2014 2:50pm - arilliusbm ""]
Enigma rules, you assholes.
[Sep 10,2014 2:53pm - good  ""]
tailor made for tumblr crowd. hail to relapse!
[Sep 10,2014 3:14pm - Tryhard Patrol  ""]
Another Tim Riley tryhard post. Nothing to see here folks. Just move along.
[Sep 10,2014 5:57pm - TimRiley ""]
Yeah because posting shit that isnt shutupfagget or cj peeper is tryhard. What was i thinking?
[Sep 10,2014 7:33pm - CJ Peeper  ""]
[Sep 10,2014 8:27pm - Burnsy ""]
I can barely wrap my head around how mediocre the track I heard was. Seriously boring stuff, dudes and dudettes. Move along. Nothing to hear here.
[Sep 10,2014 8:53pm - Tryhard Patrol  ""]
Just keep posting whatever you think will make you look cool Tim. We've got our eye on you.
[Sep 10,2014 8:58pm - HookedonMetal ""]
The person posting as Tryhard Patrol thinks anonymously complaining about a post that doesn't concern him makes him cool. Who's the tryhard now?
[Sep 10,2014 9:08pm - KTHRSS ""]
There's novelty in a woman doing a one-woman Black Metal band, but her output as displayed on Bandcamp is utterly soulless and uninspired. Perhaps she should try her hand at another type of music...
[Sep 11,2014 8:59am - the_reverend ""]
she has a nice voice, but it sounds like she is singing a completely different song than what is being played behind her. Mashed up.
[Sep 11,2014 9:01am - the_reverend ""]
If this was a little more current 93 with less echos in the vocals, it could be really cool.
With that said, I'm going to go listen to current 93 now.
[Sep 11,2014 11:03am - tacos  ""]
current 93 is great. everyone should go listen to Nature & Organisation as well.
[Sep 11,2014 3:24pm - Burnsy ""]

the_reverend said: It could be really cool.

But................. it's not. At all.
[Sep 11,2014 4:06pm - Your Welcome  ""]

Burnsy said:Listened last week. So incredibly fucking boring.

Your Welcome
[Sep 11,2014 5:03pm - toilet  ""]
[Sep 11,2014 5:04pm - urinal  ""]

[Sep 12,2014 1:28pm - Cemetarian  ""]
Who actually listens to this garbage? Why is it posted here?
[Sep 12,2014 1:54pm - SENTENCED  ""]

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