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The Aurora Borealis? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen?

[Sep 12,2014 7:42am - the_reverend ""]
I guess you should be able to see it tonight.
[Sep 12,2014 8:02am - Terrania  ""]
Not worth it
[Sep 12,2014 8:50am - Drudkh  ""]
Autumn Aurora
[Sep 12,2014 10:19am - SENTENCED  ""]

[Sep 12,2014 10:27am - Scrooge McDuck  ""]
Its from a CME. Possible power outages tonight/tomorrow as a result.
[Sep 12,2014 10:30am - Ricky nli  ""]
Why don't ya chill out there, heavy metal dick?
[Sep 12,2014 2:17pm - Lahey  ""]
Theres SHITSTORM comin Ricky. Complete with bright yellow SHITRAYS
[Sep 12,2014 2:19pm - Ricky nli  ""]
why don't ya go fuck yourself, ya drunk bastard?
[Sep 12,2014 2:21pm - Ricky nli  ""]
smokes, let's go.
[Sep 13,2014 9:48am - the_reverend ""]
Saw something I guess
[Sep 13,2014 12:49pm - /  ""]

the_reverend said:/
[Sep 13,2014 5:08pm - MotleyGrue ""]
Kept checking didn't see jack shit.
[Sep 13,2014 5:44pm - feces guy  ""]

MotleyGrue said:Kept crapping, I got the splat shits.
[Sep 13,2014 11:25pm - the_reverend ""]
needs more feces
[Sep 14,2014 12:34pm - MotleyGrue ""]
Moar feces would have made my night better I agree.
[Sep 14,2014 3:49pm - YearoftheDragon ""]
That era of Sentenced was fuckin brutal. I thought they were forgotten - nice clip whoever put that up. RIP Miika Tenkula (1974-2009).
[Sep 15,2014 7:48am - faggot detector  ""]
sentenced fan detected

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