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to all the loser guys that attend the black metal burlesque show

[Sep 17,2014 12:19am - oh my god  ""]
you're fucking pathetic. and to think that you guys always talk about how metal women should be treated with respect. and here you are proving yourself wrong again, letting the world know that its okay for metal women to be treated like objects. this show is a disgrace and any band that is playing it should be ashamed of themselves. if youre that starved for attention why dont you actually have some decency and play a real show for once. youre just going to be womanizers and seen as such for a long time. metal women dont need this kind of stuff. who ever thought of this idea is a idiot. i cant even begin to tell you how sad i am that there are women out there who want to be involved in this. youre nothing but cum dumpsters and perverts. get over yourself
[Sep 17,2014 4:49am - guy incognito  ""]
(insert fart noise here)
[Sep 17,2014 8:19am - MotleyGrue ""]
Umm, where is said show to take place at?
[Sep 17,2014 8:30am - a few things  ""]

oh%20my%20god said:you're fucking pathetic. and to think that you guys always talk about how metal women should be treated with respect. and here you are proving yourself wrong again, letting the world know that its okay for metal women to be treated like objects. this show is a disgrace and any band that is playing it should be ashamed of themselves. if youre that starved for attention why dont you actually have some decency and play a real show for once. youre just going to be womanizers and seen as such for a long time. metal women dont need this kind of stuff. who ever thought of this idea is a idiot. i cant even begin to tell you how sad i am that there are women out there who want to be involved in this. youre nothing but cum dumpsters and perverts. get over yourself

1. when have we even talked about treating metal women with respect?
2. stop saying 'metal women,' the proper term is 'bestial lust bitches'
3. black metal burlesque show? sign me up
[Sep 17,2014 8:34am - Yeti ""]

[Sep 17,2014 8:42am - xmikex ""]
Wait a minute... back it up...


Someone actually put on a "black metal burlesque show?" Jesus why??
[Sep 17,2014 8:57am - MotleyGrue ""]
[Sep 17,2014 9:22am - Burnsy ""]

oh%20my%20god said:youre nothing but cum dumpsters

10/10 for empowering women.
[Sep 17,2014 10:30am - the_reverend ""]
I missed what?
[Sep 17,2014 10:37am - MotleyGrue ""]
This thread has not delivered yet, this thread is DiGiorno's.
[Sep 17,2014 10:47am - Alx_Casket ""]

In before anons post pics and call girls fat whores
[Sep 17,2014 10:49am - It's Not Delivery, It's Divaldo  ""]
[Sep 17,2014 10:59am - the_reverend ""]

Alx_Casket said:https://www.facebook.com/events/329146670591671/

In before anons post pics and call girls fat whores

If those girls are who I think they are. They def aren't "fat whores"
[Sep 17,2014 11:03am - Burnsy ""]
Went to the event page, what's black metal got to do with this?
[Sep 17,2014 11:11am - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 17,2014 11:19am - Eyeroller  ""]
Slaughterhouse Sweethearts been around for years, always doing horror-themed shows, just doing one with some metal in it this time. They're not trying to "be black metal" or anything of the sort, just doing what they do.
[Sep 17,2014 1:27pm - robotpie ""]
Damn, this looks like a fun time. Always wanted to go to one of their shows, I think they did the punk rock n' pasty thing or whatever at Midway, or was that some other rock/horror burlesque troupe?
[Sep 17,2014 1:31pm - Eyeroller  ""]
It was them.
[Sep 17,2014 2:37pm - Feminist Social Justice Warrior of Metal  ""]
Chauvinists and white privilege shitlords: leave the hall!
[Sep 17,2014 2:43pm - Eric Struth Eats Flavored Peppers  ""]
[Sep 17,2014 4:37pm - posbleak ""]
Burlesque is such a half-measure IMO but if they get something out of it then whatever!
[Sep 17,2014 4:39pm - posbleak ""]

oh%20my%20god said:i cant even begin to tell you how sad i am that there are women out there who want to be involved in this.

When did Gail Dines register for an account here?
[Sep 17,2014 11:34pm - PC Jeeper  ""]
Cis-gendered patriarchal shitlords.
[Sep 19,2014 2:18pm - oh my god  ""]
Im totally hotter than any of those fucking cum dumpsters anyways. See for yourself.
[Sep 22,2014 9:46am - josh hates logging in  ""]
This should be fun. Looking forward to playing at it.

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