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Paul Revere, '60s rocker and leader of the Raiders, dies at 76

[Oct 6,2014 10:31am - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 6,2014 12:52pm - Alx_Casket ""]
never heard of him
[Oct 6,2014 1:30pm - uncle paulie in reh-ve-uh  ""]
da british are cumming
[Oct 6,2014 11:37pm - Hoser ""]

Alx_Casket said:never heard of him

Of course you haven't, you're a millenial
[Oct 7,2014 10:06am - Alx_Casket ""]
My condolences dad, another one from your baby boomer cohort bit the dust. Aren't you used to it by now?
[Oct 7,2014 12:40pm - Hoser ""]

Alx_Casket said:My condolences dad, another one from your baby boomer cohort bit the dust. Aren't you used to it by now?

I'm a Gen X'er dude..but my parents are boomers. Your generation sucks, although I do like you. Bunch of self righteous (albeit for no reason whatsoever, they haven't earned shit) and entitled cunts. My Dad used to play this shit on Sunday mornings...his only 6 hours off of work.
[Oct 7,2014 1:42pm - the truth  ""]
nothing like a good old-fashioned generational stereotype to add on top of all your other whitebread NH townie political views. And before you say anything, i'm 39
[Oct 7,2014 1:45pm - the truth  ""]
not even saying youre wrong, just saying that not knowing some no-name singer from the 60s in 2014 doesnt mean he's a self-righteous, entitled cunt, you self-righteous, entitled cunt.

the%20truth said:before you say anything, i'm 39

[Oct 7,2014 1:57pm - HOSER'S DAD  ""]
[Oct 7,2014 2:35pm - HOSER'S DAD  ""]
[Oct 7,2014 3:23pm - HOSER'S GRANDDAD  ""]
[Oct 8,2014 9:58am - Hoser ""]

the%20truth said:not even saying youre wrong, just saying that not knowing some no-name singer from the 60s in 2014 doesnt mean he's a self-righteous, entitled cunt, you self-righteous, entitled cunt.

He was hardly a no-name you douche nozzle. Apparently you as well have no real knowledge of anything outside of the internet. I also did not call him any names if you read the post. With that being said, try re-reading the post. I'm sure that your knowledge of the English language is limited, to include understanding context, but give it a shot.

Wanna fight?
[Oct 8,2014 9:58am - Hoser ""]
and I'm not from NH.
[Oct 8,2014 10:19am - Hoser's Great Grandpappy from NH  ""]
[Oct 8,2014 10:25am - Alx_Casket ""]
I'm not sure of your age, but it doesn't make any difference. Cohorts have nothing to do with this thread. You only heard of the guy because YOUR dad played it when you were a child. My father (also a boomer) could have done the same, and if yours hadn't, would I be right in saying "all that good old music skipped right over you Gen X'ers"? No, I'd sound like a generalizing idiot. I like you too, now show me you can use the internet and post a good song from this dead fagget.
[Oct 10,2014 7:36am - RTTP department of singers from 1840  ""]
Anyone who has not heard of the great Thomas Moore is clearly a lazy, entitled communist. My papa used to bring me to the old tavern to see him perform every sunday after a 23 1/2 hour day of ploughing fields and inseminating livestock, so if you were raised in an area of the country where there were no fields to plough and your father did not bring you to the old tavern, you are a self-righteous, entitled cunt.
[Oct 10,2014 8:37am - RTTP department of tired socio-political views  ""]
In short, if you did not have the same experiences in your life as I and therefore have a different outlook on some things, you are a lazy, self-righteous, entitled cunt.
[Oct 16,2014 11:07am - Alx_Casket ""]
And I'm still yearning for some of those old timey tunes, after all these years...

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