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New Sexcrement video for "Salt Peter" by Victor Bonacore

[Nov 4,2014 12:02pm - Sexcrement  ""]
Everyone go check out our new video by underground filmmaker Victor Bonacore. We are super proud of our latest grime-soaked tale and excited to spread the filth to all of you! Enjoy!
[Nov 4,2014 12:04pm - Sexcrement  ""]
http://youtu.be/scQwkqBeWIc there's the link so its clickable
[Nov 5,2014 5:25am - victor_bonercore  ""]
What can i say, ive worked with Tommy Dice and Sexcrement.

Kneel before me oh "scene."
[Nov 5,2014 5:28am - Charles_Baker  ""]
Everyone by now knows i love to rock but this shit is nothing but a limp cock.

I get the salt peter thing but really was hoping they were gonna incorporate their "member" Peter 'Dingleberrie' Spinzoler.

Corner office.....OUT1
[Nov 5,2014 6:57am - cj riffer  ""]
[Nov 5,2014 8:36am - the_reverend ""]


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