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ITT: Everyone point and laugh at "Still Well Angel" pay-to-playing an "audition for Warner Bros. Records"

[Dec 12,2014 8:51pm - xgodzillax ""]

Sacreligion said:

Embedded for your pleasure.

all I could think was "why the fuck didnt somebody do this shit???"

[Dec 12,2014 11:13pm - SAYLER  ""]
lol thread of the year

how the fuck do you people find this shit?
[Dec 13,2014 6:01am - I hope this band crashes their mini van on tour to the venue up t  ""]
Heavy dirty guitar chugs, unforgettable lyrics, blistering drums, raw energy and passion are just a few words to describe Still Well Angel, a four person hard rock/metal band from outside the Boston area. They have taken their four personas and created one power group. Music is their life; they dream it, eat it, and they put their hearts into every song they write and every performance they give. Delivering an unforgettable live show with catchy radio tunes you can sing along to.
Still Well Angel was formed by twin brothers Singer/Guitarist Sean and Drummer Stephen Chicarello. Gathering some friends to play the bass and guitar they started hitting the local scene hard playing local festivals such as Hemp Fest, Laconia Bike Week, Charlestown Music Fest, Controlled Chaos Arts & Music Festival and New England Punk, Goth, and Metal Fest. After a few months of performing the bands local status started to grow and lead the band to share the stage with national recording artists Powerman 5000, Ra, Adema, The Misfits, Nonpoint, Nullset, Tantric and Drowning Pool.
In the fall of 2010 they decided to head to the studio to record a 6 song EP, “The Khaos is Coming”. They took the winter months to record and in February 2011 released their EP, with great success. They returned to the big stage with Hinder and Saving Abel and toured New England promoting their EP. That summer they also got to share the stage with national artists, Candlebox, Alterbridge, and Theory of a Deadman. In the fall of 2011, to help promote their upcoming Halloween show with Hed PE, the guys partnered with local radio station CNEU to do a meet and greet with fans and live interview. In October Still Well Angel was named CNEU’s “Band of the Month”.
It was then Still Well Angel got the attention of Sweet Sounds Music and Management and in September 2012 they signed a 2-year contract with Sweet Sounds Music and Management. The contract included a worldwide distribution deal with “Republic One” for their 4 song EP “The Kalm Before the Khaos”. On Tuesday Jan 8, 2013 their EP was released by Sweet Sounds/Republic digitally worldwide on iTunes USA, Japan, Canada, Asia, Australia, Emusic and on iHeartRadio. After the release of the EP their social media blew up with over 10,000 likes on Facebook. That same month they were nominated for a Cider Award for “Best Band Outside of the Vermont and New Hampshire Area” and were awarded “Band of the Year” from CNEU Radio. A couple of months later they were featured as a musical guest on “Fox 25's Scorch's PFGTV”.
As spring approached Still Well Angel met Robb Wells, a local bass player who was known in the scene for his killer chops and stage presence. They hit the road once again in a 9 state east coast tour to promote their EP. Throughout the summer they became a featured Artist on the “NECN Morning Show” and their single “Devour and Carry On” was picked up by a Grammy committee member and submitted for a 2013 Grammy Nomination in “Best Metal Performance 2013” category. August 2013 came and the hunt was on for a new lead guitar player. It only took one week for the guys to meet basement dweller and lead guitarist Matt Chasse. The four guys got together and it was love at first jam. The new Still Well Angel put together 12 killer tunes and decided to hit the studio to put out their debut full album “No Halo”. They headed to Woodshop Productions with engineer Charlie Borruso. Woodshop Productions has worked with such artist as Godsmack, Ugly Kid Joe's project Another Animal, Hip-Hop Legend DMC of Run DMC and The Mad Fisherman Charlie Moore, guitar legend Gary Hoey, and Hip-Hop Legend "DJ Johnny Juice" of Public Enemy. In between recording sessions the band promoted a preview of their new CD “No Halo” with a mini seven state tour along with several stops in the New England. After a few months of recording it was the off to M-Works in Cambridge, Ma to meet Jonathan Wyner, Chief Mastering Engineer and Company President. Jonathan has mastered more than 5000 CD's during his 25 year career spanning every musical idiom (and some non-musical idioms as well!). His credits range from the extremely well known James Taylor to David Bowie, Aerosmith and Kiri Te Kanawa.
Charity and giving back is very important to Still Well Angel. On March 5th 2011, Still Well Angel teamed up with the Kiwanis Club of Manchester for the Krocks Battle of the Bands. The local high school bands used Still Well Angel’s equipment and on stage performing knowledge. All money raised was then donated to local nonprofit youth organizations. This partnership continued for three years. In April 2011 they began performing shows to help Stop the Bleeding, an organization that raises money for under-funded homeless shelters, battered women shelters, and any organizations providing support for the homeless. 100% of the proceeds from all Stop the Bleeding shows are donated to these various shelters. In May 2011 Still Well Angel performed at Woofstock, a charity music festival put on by White Mountain Foster & Rescue, a non-profit organization which saves and places dogs and puppies in forever homes. In April of 2012 the band took part in a concert with Day Tripper Entertainment to support the 2012 JDRF Boston Walk to Cure Diabetes. In August of 2012 the guys headed to Vermont for Hunger Fest to help raise money for the Fall Mountain Food Shelf. They then joined with New England Concerts for the 1st Annual Merrimack Valley Music Festival which showcased some of the best original rock and metal bands from the Merrimack Valley. A portion of the money from each ticket sold was donated to National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Shortly before Christmas 2012 Still Well Angel and CNEU Rock Radio joined together for Metal for Tots where they collected toys for Toys for Tots. They also donated Still Well Angel t-shirts for an online auction and fundraising charity raising money for Hurricane Sandy Relief. In December 2013, Still Well Angel collecte
[Dec 13,2014 11:46am - God sucks cock  ""]
Alright let's be serious for a minute here. Which is the better band? State of corrections or still birth angel? Better yet who had the better frontman?
[Dec 13,2014 12:18pm - Sully Paul Sullivan  ""]
I have easily watched this 20 times. Every time I notice a new person making an awesome face, It's the gift that keeps on giving
[Dec 13,2014 12:46pm - DYA is LITERATE LULZ LIBRARIAN  ""]
Man, this is the thread that keeps on giving. I take everything back, the spirit of Christmas is real.
[Dec 13,2014 12:51pm - D-Gen  ""]

It's amazing that they don't get how sad, pathetic, and unprofessional posts like this look. It's not even really funny, except in the way that horribly mind breaking things can be; it's like being in college freshman year, being stuck with the weird kid as a roommate, and walking in one day to find him dryfucking the stuffed animal he's way too old to have. You have no choice but to laugh.

tl;dr, Still Well Angel is like walking in on a fat guy rubbing his nuts on a Pikachu doll.
[Dec 13,2014 1:01pm - the greatest bass player of our generation  ""]

Sully%20Paul%20Sullivan said:I have easily watched this 20 times. Every time I notice a new person making an awesome face, It's the gift that keeps on giving

Did you NOT read their bio??

As spring approached Still Well Angel met Robb Wells, a local bass player who was known in the scene for his killer chops and stage presence.
[Dec 13,2014 4:43pm - ANEURYSM  ""]
I wrote this song in regards to clueless CL posts. I'd say it applies to these chuckleheads as well.http://aneurysm666.bandcamp.com/track/dio-priest-and-maiden
[Dec 13,2014 4:45pm - ANEURYSM-lyrics  ""]
i didn't make the cut
i didn't have the right chops
or any reliable form of transportation

these guys were pro
demanded the best
the pick of the classifieds litter

must love Dio, Priest and Maiden

they were searching for an axeman
sweet vox a plus
for immediate, constant pro-gigging
they didn't like my attitude
didn't like my vox or my drug abuse and ego
they were the worst

must love Dio, Priest and Maiden

we have connections in the industry
stage presence is a must
and you must love Dio, Priest and Maiden
no attitudes or drugs

they fucking sucked
and called me a drunk
i didn't want to join them anyway
their logo stunk
and their songs were bad
and their gear wasn't even pro

must love Dio, Priest and Maiden

we have connections in the industry
stage presence is a must
and you must love Dio, Priest and Maiden
no attitudes or drugs
[Dec 13,2014 9:24pm - RTTP Department of Haiku  ""]
Like a breath of life
into a dying web site
you circum to me
[Dec 14,2014 3:26pm - MotleyGrue ""]

Robb?s%20Cancer%20Victim-Victim said:I am greatly saddened I don't have my little buddy around anymore.
I am still expecting a piece of mail from her. She donated one month of her schools tuition to my benefit show. It's going to be the hardest piece of mail I've ever opened.
Love and miss you buddy!

^^That is what Robb posted when Anderson Lynne Mar passed away.

He cryptRobbs her legacy, whatever that may have been...to get attention for himself.

Also, no further mention of that supposed envelope or benefit. Ever.

So she passed away, and this asshole talks about how he is still expecting to get money from her, now that's fucked.
[Dec 14,2014 5:41pm - Burnsy ""]
C'mon, people! So close to 13,000! One view = one prayer!
[Dec 14,2014 5:54pm - cykill cirrhosis  ""]
[Dec 14,2014 5:58pm - WORCESTER PD  ""]

[Dec 14,2014 5:59pm - WORCESTER PD  ""]
sorry i am cop not good with computer


also where are diy concerts
[Dec 14,2014 6:12pm - Prestige WORLDWIDE  ""]
Everybody has a U GONNA GET RAPED face in this pic.

[Dec 14,2014 6:22pm - DYA is LEGAL LENS TWILL  ""]
Anybody notice how that's not a tour, that's just playing eleventeen weekends of local shows in a row?
[Dec 14,2014 7:39pm - paulgreeley  ""]
And the second show was at a thrift shop.
[Dec 14,2014 7:56pm - NYAC  ""]
[Dec 14,2014 8:00pm - gaulpreely  ""]
And 3 of the shows are radio gigs.
[Dec 14,2014 8:56pm - the almost had cancer tour  ""]
lol @ almost acoustic.
[Dec 14,2014 9:15pm - xgodzillax ""]


incoherently drunk, and still better than dude from suck white asshole
[Dec 15,2014 11:26am - ROAD DAWG  ""]
Mama mia! Ah'm a -gonna putta da platinum string inna my goatee! She'sa gonna shine like-a da beeeyoootifoool amoonbeam! Madone!
[Dec 15,2014 1:05pm - xmikex ""]
Any update on the grooming process? Have they learned to curtsy yet?
[Dec 15,2014 1:15pm - RAWB Wells "Angels"  ""]
Probably still working on guitar flips, and synchronized dancing to go along with their matching outfits.
[Dec 15,2014 2:28pm - Tsk Tsk Tsk  ""]
RTTP faggets wasting their time talking about other people again. I guess some people will never mature past the age of 16...
[Dec 15,2014 2:28pm - Yeti ""]
[Dec 15,2014 2:52pm - ROAD DAWG  ""]
Why-a you gotta to no respecta my goo ' frenn' Robbbbbbb?! He givea me da job an'a he givea me da StillaWellaAngelino shoit. Ah'ma da stagea manegehrr'- joahsta looka my beepah onna my belt. I getta da wahdda, I getta da towletta, ah'ma da secooooridy & ah'ma da leeentabrrrroooosh guy forra whena da hat she getsa da dohrrty!
[Dec 15,2014 3:26pm - X-Pac  ""]

ROAD%20DAWG said:Why-a you gotta to no respecta my goo ' frenn' Robbbbbbb?! He givea me da job an'a he givea me da StillaWellaAngelino shoit. Ah'ma da stagea manegehrr'- joahsta looka my beepah onna my belt. I getta da wahdda, I getta da towletta, ah'ma da secooooridy & ah'ma da leeentabrrrroooosh guy forra whena da hat she getsa da dohrrty!

[Dec 15,2014 3:46pm - xmikex ""]

Tsk%20Tsk%20Tsk said:RTTP faggets wasting their time talking about other people again. I guess some people will never mature past the age of 16...

We're having a great time exposing a band that used a cancer victim's misery to (unsuccessfully) promote their own shitty band. How's your afternoon going?
[Dec 15,2014 4:00pm - Sacreligion ""]
Coming soon! Another inspiring bass solo video by the man himself! Once the guy finishes editing the videos.

[Dec 15,2014 5:40pm - 13000 views  ""]

[Dec 15,2014 10:55pm - Bobby Stillwells  ""]
This band has no fans.
[Dec 16,2014 1:33am - paulgreeley  ""]
Things have been a little quiet for the swa camp on the facebooks.Think this thread has hit them a little bit?
[Dec 16,2014 9:36am - LongDeadGod ""]
I assume the band is busy negotiating a MAJOR LABEL contract in which the label promises to let them open for PRO NATIONAL RECORDING ARTIST at a regional showcase...

Or they couldn't afford their internet service bill due to the kickstarter campaign failing.
[Dec 16,2014 11:29am - xmikex ""]
"Media Release" liked by "Helping Pages Get Fans" and 16 others.

[Dec 16,2014 11:35am - Sacreligion ""]

xmikex said:"Media Release" liked by "Helping Pages Get Fans" and 16 others.


The video of Robb's bass solo on my band page with a lowly 390 fans has twice as many likes and comments as their "media release." I tried explaining to them that more people hate them than actually like their music but they remain unphased. I am actually impressed in an awkward way.
[Dec 16,2014 3:12pm - Grammy Nominated Song  ""]
Still Well Angel : Devour And Carry On

Throughout the summer they became a featured Artist on the “NECN Morning Show” and their single “Devour and Carry On” was picked up by a Grammy committee member and submitted for a 2013 Grammy Nomination in “Best Metal Performance 2013” category.
[Dec 16,2014 3:24pm - gwammy  ""]
well...sadly, they probably had a chance:

Anthrax, ‘I’m Alive’
Halestorm, ‘Love Bites (So Do I)’
Iron Maiden, ‘Blood Brothers’
Lamb of God, ‘Ghost Walking’
Marilyn Manson, ‘No Reflection’
Megadeth, ‘Whose Life (Is It Anyways?)’
[Dec 16,2014 10:49pm - Rich Bova's Personal Assistant Christopher  ""]
[Dec 16,2014 11:44pm - Charles Berthouds extreme tapping.  ""]
That video of Rob Wells trying to solo is so hard to watch.........holy shit. I feel bad for the dude. Personally Id hope someone would tell me I sucked and to go back to the drawing board maybe learn how to play the instrument. Im still cringing. wow
[Dec 17,2014 8:27am - Robb's AWOL Left Nut  ""]


The sign of a real, legit, not at all desperate band.

I wonder how long it’s going to be before the fetal twins boot Robb for bringing this down on their heads?
[Dec 17,2014 9:39am - timriley ""]
........ http://www.bandmix.com/gmsrox1aolcom/
[Dec 17,2014 11:20am - Funky McChicken  ""]
I'm genuinely curious what the rest of the band thinks about this whole shit storm that is Rawb. I haven't seen a single one of them come to his or the bands defense.
[Dec 17,2014 1:32pm - Charles Berthouds slam death bass drops  ""]
That fat chick in the corner of the bar putting her hands in her face laughing sums it alllllll up.
[Dec 17,2014 1:44pm - Faggot Gay Santa  ""]
[Dec 17,2014 1:49pm - Blake Judd  ""]
Hey Still Well Angel, this is rockin. I feel you have the talent to succeed in today's underground metal scene. Can I handle t-shirt and merch for you?


[Dec 17,2014 1:50pm - DatPackedHouseAtWestEndJohnniesTho  ""]
[Dec 17,2014 1:51pm - DatPackedHouseAtWestEndJohnniesTho  ""]
See also:


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