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12/5 because fuck whatever else you're doing in lowell

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[Dec 5,2014 12:29am - t2daeek ""]

check it out.

[Dec 5,2014 7:53am - NYAM  ""]
[Dec 5,2014 9:10am - the_reverend ""]
sucks I didn't know about this until now...
[Dec 5,2014 11:10am - Wat  ""]
Wait, people do things in Lowell besides shoot each other and then smoke crack?
[Dec 5,2014 11:17am - blowell  ""]
the best thing to do in lowell is find directions for how to get out of lowell.
[Dec 5,2014 11:20am - Or  ""]
Pour napalm on the residents. It would be fun. Half of them are used to that, though.
[Dec 5,2014 12:21pm - Or...  ""]
Nail Shannon McCarthy!
[Dec 5,2014 1:07pm - Sacreligion ""]
There's a lot to loathe about Lowell.
[Dec 5,2014 1:50pm - i_am_not_me ""]

Wat said:Wait, people do things in Lowell besides shoot each other and then smoke crack?

They slash people's tires occasionally.
[Dec 5,2014 1:54pm - DYA is LEGAL LENS TWILL  ""]
and post clueless shit on MA Metalheads.
[Dec 5,2014 2:24pm - t2daeek ""]

the_reverend said:sucks I didn't know about this until now...

i should make sure to keep posting shows here... sorry dude
[Dec 5,2014 2:52pm - But let me tell ya  ""]

DYA%20is%20LEGAL%20LENS%20TWILL said:and post clueless shit on MA Metalheads.

That broad is one hell of a good lay! That's about all she's good for though.
[Dec 5,2014 4:13pm - DYA is LEGAL LENS TWILL  ""]
ITT: That Taylor Macdonald is one fine piece of ASE. (I know from experience.)
[Dec 5,2014 4:15pm - DYA is LEGAL LENS TWILL  ""]

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