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New England Metal And Hardcore Fest 2015 (NEMHF 17) day one

the Palladium - Mainstage (Worcester, MA) - [begat_the_nephilim][between_the_buried_and_me][cavalera_conspiracy][corrosion_of_conformity][death_angel][fit_for_an_autopsy][jasta][phineus][the_atlas_moth][the_red_chord][within_the_ruins][black_mask][code_orange][downpour][homewrecker][lody_kong][on_broken_wings][overcast]
[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Apr 17,2015 1:54pm - the_reverend ""]
On my way down
[Apr 17,2015 1:57pm - You could be a man  ""]
You could be a man and watch the hockey playoff games but you have to attend this sorry excuse for a Fest? You could be a man
[Apr 17,2015 2:30pm - RE: Complainy McWhinesalot  ""]

You%20could%20be%20a%20man said:You could be a man and watch the hockey playoff games but you have to attend this sorry excuse for a Fest? You could be a man

you could be a man too instead of a whiny bitchbaby.
[Apr 17,2015 6:19pm - the_reverend ""]
It's summer. How do they still play hockey?

Day is flying by. Nothing bad so far. Odd the band downpour was brain fair and Derek Kerzwell
[Apr 17,2015 6:36pm - narcosis ""]

the_reverend said:Odd the band downpour was brain fair and Derek Kerzwell

Downpour and Overcast. Brian should have followed his dreams of being a local meteorologist.
[Apr 17,2015 8:25pm - the_reverend ""]
Wacka Wacka.

3 more bands.
[Apr 17,2015 10:04pm - the_reverend ""]
The drummer for 1349 is drumming for the red chord right now. Weird.
[Apr 18,2015 1:04am - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 18,2015 2:01am - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
[Apr 18,2015 2:54am - boblovesmusic ""]
No randomshots?
[Apr 18,2015 11:02am - the_reverend ""]
they didn't play today
[Apr 21,2015 12:47am - autoPSY_666 ""]
And. I. Was. There!!!
[Apr 21,2015 2:46pm - Truth  ""]

autoPSY_666 said:And. I. Was. There!!!

You and about 3,000 others you basic bitch!

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