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attn: HookedonMetal

[Aug 16,2015 2:06pm - MotleyGrue ""]
Zodiac Mindwarp & The Love Reaction, ever heard of them? Good band that went under the radar, first album kills.


[Aug 16,2015 2:35pm - CLAM ENTHUSIAST  ""]
[Aug 16,2015 2:40pm - HookedonMetal ""]
Yeah man I know Zodiac Mindwarp. First three releases are pretty sick, with Tattooed Beat Messiah being the best of the three. Haven't heard much of anything that came after Hoodlum Thunder, but I know their 2002 album I Am Rock got pretty good reviews when it came out.

Also, how can you not like a video as badass as this?

[Aug 16,2015 3:41pm - MotleyGrue ""]
They rocked back in the day a shame they were never bigger, I have a burnt copy of their last release years ago, the song Rock Savage is pretty cool but felt like they were trying to do the Stooges or something along those lines.
[Aug 16,2015 3:45pm - MotleyGrue ""]
Saw Love/Hate back in the day when they were brand new, the dude came out on stage riding a cross made of empty Budweiser beer cans. This band is subjective as I don't like every song, but they have some cool ones.

[Aug 16,2015 7:23pm - HookedonMetal ""]
That must have been pretty rad. I never took the time to check out any of their other albums, but I quite enjoyed Blackout In The Red Room. Also, I was wondering what your opinion of this band Stallion is. They're a new band from Germany (formed I think in like 2012) that's been getting on a lot of fests over there. To me, it kinda sounds like what it would probably sound like if Tom Keifer from Cinderella was singing in a speed metal band.

[Aug 16,2015 9:00pm - MotleyGrue ""]
First Love/Hate album is their best one, and I have checked out Stallion before on youtube, pretty good they seem 30 years too late, as they would probably rocked it the fuck out in the 80's.
[Aug 17,2015 6:15am - HookedonMetal ""]
Oh yeah if they had come out back in 1985 or whatever, they probably would have been as huge as Motley Crue. Either that or they would have been one of the many awesome bands nobody knew about back in the day who are now more known than they ever would have been back then thanks to exposure on YouTube and social media sites. I honestly don't think any style of music should ever be confined to a certain time period though. My feeling is, a lot of the bands from 80s, while a lot of them are still awesome live, we don't know how much longer they'll be around for. I love that there are so many bands out there coming out and keeping that type of music alive.

Here are three newer ones I'm really digging right now.

The last one, Leather Heart, I saw them play at the Headbangers Open Air warm up show last month and I have to say they stole the show and IMHO, were right up there with the best bands at the actual festival. They kind of remind of like Fifth Angel and Crimson Glory or something.



[Aug 17,2015 8:24am - EIGHTEEN DOLLARAYDOOS?!!!  ""]
[Aug 25,2015 4:46pm - MotleyGrue ""]
I like the certain bands are keeping the sound alive from back in the day, I need to check out the videos you posted, but I can see from your posts you are an AXE fan like myself.


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