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hey assholes

[Jul 23,2004 12:05am - powerkok ""]
fuck your mother, you cunt blistering sacks of fuck off.
[Jul 23,2004 12:08am - powerkok ""]
can some one here please suck my disck. or jerk me off or something.??
[Jul 23,2004 12:28am - retzam ""]
For the small fee of 65 dollars.
[Jul 23,2004 12:38am - powerkok ""]
deal...do u accept canadian dimes?
[Jul 23,2004 8:22am - JellyFish ""]
in his rectum
[Jul 23,2004 9:26am - RustedAngel ""]
what are you on KOK?

[Jul 23,2004 1:04pm - retzam ""]
Jellyfish knows my policy.
[Jul 23,2004 1:31pm - dyingmuse ""]
damn with all the guys in your band you still cant find someone to exchange penile favors??? let me see what i have for money, maybe you could blow me...lol
[Jul 23,2004 4:46pm - powerkok ""]
Im sick of jerkin steve off tho!! dan, ill blow you with a mouthful of hot peppers!!!
[Jul 23,2004 4:49pm - powerkok ""]
btw RA, I was on Jim Beam Choice....and pissy cuz I hate my job and Im sick of hearing stupid people talk.
So I took it out on this big blue board, and I apoligize.
No wait, I really dont!!
[Jul 23,2004 5:03pm - dyingmuse ""]
damn that hooooottt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! baby

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