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I'm going to Ireland!

[Jul 23,2004 1:09pm - retzam ""]
I'm leaving for the airport in 2 hours and coming back Friday! This shall be fun.
[Jul 23,2004 1:19pm - Lynneaus ""]
woah ....have fun... take pics and drink plenty!
[Jul 23,2004 1:24pm - retzam ""]
hahaha will do
[Jul 23,2004 1:29pm - dyingmuse ""]
dude fucking planes suck balls....good luck man. i dont ever want to go on another plane again. california was only 6 hours...ireland is like 14 hours. good luck. and aside from the flight have a good time. my g/f went a few years back and loved it. and im sure you will too! \m/
[Jul 23,2004 2:08pm - eddie ""]
I was just up about a month ago. If you get a chance check out some of the local celtic session bands, they're amazing, if your into the folk music that is.
[Jul 23,2004 4:57pm - JellyFish ""]
i got back from italy and belgium and london two weeks ago. Flying is so boring.
[Jul 25,2004 10:17pm - retzam ""]
Hello! I am here and having a great time except my drunkeness is wearing off :(. There are these awesome drinks here that you guys will probably rag on me for drinking that are the Irish equivalent of wine coolers called "Alcopops". Very very yummy. Anyhow, dyingmuse, the flight was not quite 14 hours, it was more like 5 and a half hours (actually, a little less). But it was quite boring anyway, especially since CD players are forbidden, a rule which I blatently ignored, hahaha. We left Logan at 7:30ish, despite the takeoff being scheduled for 7:00 PM EST, and we arrived at Dublin airport around 6:00 AM Dublin time, so we missed our sleep. We stayed in Dublin at a hotel called the Davenport last night, then we drove up to Derry in Northern Ireland today, and for the rest of the time me and my brother will be spending our nights here at a friend's house while my parents and my aunt spend their time at my great aunt's house, which is around 15 minutes away from us. People up here in Northern Ireland have very very heavy accents, but it didn't take long to get completely used to, and now we rarely have to get them to repeat something. Very, very nice people, and very very honest too. Insults are an expected thing, and it's all in good fun. I love it here. For any of you guys who havn't been here, it is exactly what you've heard. The country is very very green with great big (and very pretty I don't mind saying) hills. Lots of livestock too. Also, drinking is completely socially acceptable under any circumstance. I'm having a blast.
[Jul 25,2004 11:50pm - retzam ""]
um, the sun is rising here... i'm going to bed
[Jul 26,2004 12:36am - Abbath ""]
hahaha have fun bro! you travel alot huh?
welcome to the land of excellent cd's! when i went to london i got so many good cd's! hope ya get some of that excellent european pussy too! haahahah \m/
[Jul 26,2004 6:22pm - retzam ""]
Actually I travel very little. I havn't got any really good discs yet either. I have 40 pounds to spend though, and that's 66 dollars.
[Jul 26,2004 9:43pm - retzam ""]
Oh man, but this is awesome. Today we went to The Giant's Causeway. For those of you who don't know, this is a rock formation on the coast of Northern Ireland, and it is where the cover of Led Zeppelin's Houses Of The Holy was shot. It was sooooo cool. Big piece of rock history (pun intened) hahaha.
[Jul 28,2004 9:39pm - retzam ""]
Ack someone comment on the coolness.

I'm such a bastard.
[Jul 28,2004 11:41pm - Abbath ""]
just come back to america already where the you're not old enough to drink and the women are full of poison
[Jul 28,2004 11:42pm - retzam ""]
You guys are no fun, no fun at all.
[Jul 28,2004 11:44pm - retzam ""]
oooo as i was writing that Abbath posted. Cool cool cool. Hahahaha, indeed Abbath. Except half-decent looking girls here are few and farbetween.
[Jul 28,2004 11:47pm - Abbath ""]
retzam said:You guys are no fun, no fun at all.

hahahahah oh i posted much love to the retzam
and european women are a billion times better/hotter than americans (i don't know about ireland though) i mean just look at succubus
i've been hanging out with a russian lately and she fucking rocks one of the coolest women i've ever met
[Jul 28,2004 11:49pm - retzam ""]
There are lots and lots of countries with very few good looking women in Europe. Ireland, England, Scotland, France, Germany, to name a few.
[Jul 28,2004 11:52pm - Abbath ""]
NO! take that back! man i went to england a few months ago every single woman i saw was amazing! even the older moms MILFS WALKING ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!!!
my dad leaned over to me and said "God i wish i wasn't faithful to your mother" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA amazing, go to london and you will see....
[Jul 28,2004 11:55pm - retzam ""]
Most euros are ugly, except in Scandi. I like american girls, mix of everything.
[Jul 28,2004 11:57pm - Abbath ""]
and mikes hard lemonade:ralphie:
[Jul 29,2004 8:04am - succubus ""]
i was gonna say..i don't think i've talked to you as much as since you are in ireland
glad you told me how right i was about things w00t! =)

ireland is a blast and it was great working there!
<<and european women are a billion times better/hotter than americans (i don't know about ireland though) i mean just look at succubus>>
abbath <3

retzam..i shall ignore your last comment for now!

[Jul 29,2004 1:04pm - retzam ""]
Hahaha, I said most european girls, Carina, now excuse me while I read your shirt...
[Jul 29,2004 1:06pm - dirteecrayon ""]
i want a souvenir!
[Jul 30,2004 10:54pm - retzam ""]
I'm back!

Wow, on the topic of european women, today at Dublin Airport, there was a Scandinavian Airlines flight that was leaving that day, so there were all these really really hot swedish stewardesses and lots of knockouts walking around. Whoa.
[Aug 2,2004 1:37am - Abbath ""]
ahahah nice and retzam i take back the cool russian chick, she wants to get married now, stay far away from russians, it's true they're all about the green cards

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