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[Jul 26,2004 9:46pm - the_reverend ""]
For Immediate Release
July 27, 2004


Philadelphia: Candlelight Records today confirms October 19 and November 2 as the reissue dates for Emperor's four genre-defining albums. Wrath of the Tyrants, In the Nightside Eclipse, Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk, and IX Equilibrum, all currently out of print in the US, have been reworked with additional bonus footage and material unavailable on both European and US-licensed versions.

In documentary style, each of the four recordings have been enhanced with live and studio footage. "Wrath of the Tyrant," being part one, "includes very rare, exclusive footage of pre-Nightside rehearsals plus live outtakes from our first tour (in support of Cradle of Filth, 1993)," says guitarist Samoth. "In the Nightside Eclipse," part two, "includes edited material from a live show in Oslo for the song "Towards the Pantheon," as well as various other clips from live recordings in 1997."

"Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk, starts off with a band interview on Finnish TV talking about Anthems and then various live clips from 1997-98, including cool clips from the Dynamo Festival," continues Samoth. "Part four, IX Equilibrium, starts off with a clip from the No Mercy Festival tour and then follows us to the US for our first and only headline American tour in 1999." IX Equilibrium concludes the four-part enhancement series with a clip from the Mystic Festival in Poland, the final Emperor performance.

Emperor, featuring vocalist/guitarist Ihsahn, drummer Trym with Samoth, formed in 1991. Their recordings have sold hundreds of thousands worldwide with their impact on the black/extreme metal ranking them as one of the genre's most influential. Respected by musician, fan and critic alike, Emperor recorded their final album, Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire & Demise, in 2001, shortly thereafter announcing they were disbanding (with Samoth and Trym continuing on in new band Zyklon; Ihsahn contributing to his ongoing band project Peccatum). Kerrang's Dom Lawson called Prometheus, "a staggering masterwork; a fitting testament to the musical genius."

Earlier this year Candlelight reissued Thou Shalt Suffer's Into the Woods of Belial. The album pre-dates the official birth of Emperor and marks the first time the record has seen proper US release. On August 24, Candlelight will release Emperial Live Ceremony; the dvd version of the band's only official live recording. The 70-minute, high quality universal-zoned dvd was filmed at London's Astoria Theatre. Additional Emperor titles available from Candlelight include Scattered Ashes: A Decade of Emperial Wrath (2cd Anthology, released 2003), Emperial Live Ceremony (cd, released 2001), Peccatum/Strangling from Within (cd, released 2001), Peccatum/Amor Fati (cd, released 2001) plus Zyklon/World ov Worms (cd, released 2001) and Aeon (cd, released 2003).
[Jul 27,2004 1:44am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
cool...Emperor will reunite within 3 years...That's my prediction...
[Jul 27,2004 1:48am - the_reverend ""]
so it is written.

who do you think first, immortal or emperor?
[Jul 27,2004 5:31am - Bestialonslaught ""]
Are these reissues really necessary?

I do think it's good they are keeping the THOU SHALT SUFFER comp in print though, that is Ancient Death Metal at its finest...
[Jul 27,2004 9:04am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i will re-issue wraith of the tyrant, best emperor cd
[Jul 27,2004 11:43am - Abbath ""]
ya this does sound sweet but now i have to buy all there albums over again
[Jul 27,2004 11:50am - Bestialonslaught ""]
Abbath said:ya this does sound sweet but now i have to buy all there albums over again

Nothing personal, but if you buy a 2nd copy of IX Equilibrium... :spineyes:
[Jul 27,2004 12:07pm - Abbath ""]
hahaha i wasn't gonna rebuy THAT one hahahaha
[Jul 27,2004 1:10pm - Jellyfish ""]
i will re-buy them all. IX Equilibrium is amazing. I wish they would just make a dvd out of the footage since i have no real use for the extra copies.

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