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[Jul 27,2004 2:06pm - the_rooster ""]
HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! too sick for words. they've re-affirmed my feeling that there is really no one better. some of the most extreme/heaviest material they've done. production is fantastic too...much like the sound on the "nothing" album. fucking epic.
[Jul 27,2004 2:20pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Jul 27,2004 2:59pm - Paul FOD  ""]
Definatly an excellent song. I cant wait until the new full length comes out it will be more then devestating.
[Jul 27,2004 3:41pm - powerkok ""]
I still have yet to hear anything off "i"....where the hell did u find it?
[Jul 27,2004 4:08pm - mike_fod ""]
Meshuggah makes my appreciate the fact that I have ears.
[Jul 28,2004 3:52pm - the_rooster ""]
powerkok said:I still have yet to hear anything off "i"....where the hell did u find it?

it's out now. i picked it up at a store here in albany. i'm sure newbury will have it though.
[Jul 28,2004 5:07pm - dyingmuse ""]
i didnt like it at all. im not impressed.
it all chunk riffs. like minor chord chunk chunk same chord bla bla
this band is way over rated. i actually liked non. and i saw them twice and was bored both times.
[Jul 29,2004 2:00am - Jellyfish ""]
i just cant seem to like them no matter how hard i try. I guess its not for me.
[Jul 29,2004 10:27am - the_rooster ""]
dyingmuse said:i didnt like it at all. im not impressed.
it all chunk riffs. like minor chord chunk chunk same chord bla bla
this band is way over rated. i actually liked non. and i saw them twice and was bored both times.

it's not about the complexity of the harmonies they use, it's the complexity of the rhythmic / polyrhythmic qualities that make it so sick. def. not overrated.
[Jul 29,2004 12:40pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
the_rooster said:powerkok said:I still have yet to hear anything off "i"....where the hell did u find it?

it's out now. i picked it up at a store here in albany. i'm sure newbury will have it though.

i got it a week before the release date at newbury. they definitely have it.
[Jul 29,2004 2:07pm - dyingmuse ""]
the_rooster said:dyingmuse said:i didnt like it at all. im not impressed.
it all chunk riffs. like minor chord chunk chunk same chord bla bla
this band is way over rated. i actually liked non. and i saw them twice and was bored both times.

it's not about the complexity of the harmonies they use, it's the complexity of the rhythmic / polyrhythmic qualities that make it so sick. def. not overrated.

yeah but how long can you do that for before it sounds the same. yeah odd sig's i've heard it all before. if they added some melody id like it more. i dont even mean harmonies just some meat on the bones. i do admit its some fucked up times but it gets old thats alls im sayin'
[Jul 29,2004 2:18pm - mike_fod ""]
dyingmuse said:the_rooster said:dyingmuse said:i didnt like it at all. im not impressed.
it all chunk riffs. like minor chord chunk chunk same chord bla bla
this band is way over rated. i actually liked non. and i saw them twice and was bored both times.

it's not about the complexity of the harmonies they use, it's the complexity of the rhythmic / polyrhythmic qualities that make it so sick. def. not overrated.

yeah but how long can you do that for before it sounds the same. yeah odd sig's i've heard it all before. if they added some melody id like it more. i dont even mean harmonies just some meat on the bones. i do admit its some fucked up times but it gets old thats alls im sayin'

Melody is overrated, especially considering tons of bands use it, and if I want to hear that in my music, i'll throw on the new Disarmonia Mundi. Meshuggah is all about stark, dense sounding metal, like getting crushed under a machines gears. One thing people can't say about Meshuggah is that they are unoriginal. They've forged their own sound in metal, and it's clearly obvious that bands are now trying to emulate that same sound. Personally, I could listen to them all day, they're a band that invokes deep thoughts.
[Jul 29,2004 2:58pm - the_rooster ""]

Melody is overrated, especially considering tons of bands use it, and if I want to hear that in my music, i'll throw on the new Disarmonia Mundi. Meshuggah is all about stark, dense sounding metal, like getting crushed under a machines gears. One thing people can't say about Meshuggah is that they are unorginal. They've forged their own sound in metal, and it's clearly obvious that bands are now trying to emulate that same sound. Personally, I could listen to them all day, they're a band that invokes deep thoughts.

yup...well put. i agree. it's cool if you don't like them, but i love them.
[Jul 29,2004 3:01pm - assuck ""]
they played the whole thing on WUML the other day, and although i do like meshuggah, the majority of "i" bored the shit outta me.
[Dec 28,2011 3:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i havent heard this since it came out. Tony - can you bring this along for the ride to practice tonight?
[Dec 28,2011 4:36pm - Lamp ""]
Does anybody actually listen to this band anymore? I hope not.
[Dec 28,2011 4:38pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
no i just put their cds on then not listen to them.
[Dec 28,2011 5:20pm - Yeti ""]
Meshuggah still continues to rule.
[Dec 28,2011 5:20pm - Yeti ""]
tripping on mushrooms to this album and Chaosphere was one of the best moments in life.
[Dec 28,2011 5:27pm - SpaceCat  ""]
far out man.
[Dec 28,2011 5:29pm - SkyGators  ""]
Fuck off Space Cat. The sky is mine.
[Dec 28,2011 5:40pm - Mark R forgot password  ""]
This EP was the last thing of theirs that I liked.

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