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of course I don't bring my camera and..

[Jul 28,2004 9:24am - the_reverend ""]
there's a freaking accident.
this is the second time.
[Jul 28,2004 2:22pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Always carry a disposable. at least.
[Jul 28,2004 2:23pm - Jellyfish ""]
was it a big accident?
[Jul 28,2004 2:24pm - powerkok ""]
any gore?
[Jul 28,2004 2:29pm - succubus ""]
he always carries his camera

well almost

it wasn't that big but he should have had his camera on him
[Jul 28,2004 2:30pm - RustedAngel ""]
it would be easier to carry a canon s400 or s500... :spineyes:
[Jul 28,2004 3:13pm - the_reverend ""]
easier, but if I wanted crappy quality pictures, why not just shoot them with my phone?

it was two smooshed cars no blood.
[Jul 28,2004 3:23pm - RustedAngel ""]
i forgot, my camera takes cell phone quality pictures... whoops.
[Jul 28,2004 3:25pm - succubus ""]
[Jul 28,2004 3:32pm - the_reverend ""]
yes it does.
[Jul 28,2004 3:52pm - RustedAngel ""]
pshhh, still not good enough... with all that extra circutry built into that phone there's no way it could compare.
[Jul 28,2004 4:01pm - the_reverend ""]
“640K ought to be enough for anybody” -- Bill Gates in 1981
[Jul 28,2004 4:06pm - RustedAngel ""]
no doubt camera phones will get better than my digi, but not yet a-hole.

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