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why are most rttp posters liberal faggots?

[Nov 16,2016 7:15pm - duke  ""]
[Nov 16,2016 7:43pm - The Truth  ""]
Liberals = Cucks in disguise
[Nov 16,2016 7:50pm - Adaf  ""]

The%20Truth said:Liberals = Cucks in disguise

Liberals are Cucks you fucking idiot
[Nov 16,2016 8:04pm - Natural News  ""]

Adaf said:
The%20Truth said:Liberals = Cucks in disguise

Liberals are Cucks you fucking idiot

No they aren't. Cucks are to faggety to riot and burn down cities when they dont get their way.
[Nov 16,2016 8:08pm - Truth  ""]
No wonder everyone here hates Eric Paone.
[Nov 16,2016 8:13pm - Life of lib  ""]
Wake up
Work a shit job
Complain they should make more money in their shit job
Do nothing to better themselves
Still make shit money in their shit jobs
Complain more
Start taking pictures of shirtless dudes in crappy metal bands
[Nov 16,2016 8:44pm - Fred A Stair  ""]
No matter where you see a Red Rose
Whether it's in a store or wild and free
You always see it withering
There's never a chance to grieve until it's gone
But if you look onto a Yellow Rose
The color is always perfect
The petals are never drooping
And they're always of abundance....

And taking pictures of shirtless crappy metal bands..
[Nov 16,2016 8:56pm - David Duke  ""]
I ask myself this question every day
[Nov 16,2016 10:18pm - Hey bro....  ""]
Stop posting here Paulie & get back to Facebook where all the magic happens. Bring your Hispanic retard henchman Garcia with you
[Nov 16,2016 11:49pm - Richard Garcia is Mexican  ""]
Build a Wall and Keep Garcia Out!!!
[Nov 17,2016 12:15am - RTTMZ  ""]


[Nov 17,2016 12:47am - David Duke  ""]
What the fuck does Richard Garcia have to do with any of this?
[Nov 17,2016 9:17am - Eric Paone is a Dirty Mexican  ""]
He's a criminal and a rapist!
[Nov 17,2016 9:35am - Garcia's Mom  ""]

David%20Duke said:What the fuck does Richard Garcia have to do with any of this?

David Duke you leave my sweet boy Richard alone!
[Nov 17,2016 11:00am - the_reverend ""]
:( lame. Sue is a nice person.
[Nov 17,2016 11:45am - Sams of sons  ""]
I really worry about some of you.........NO I DON'T :middlefinger:
[Nov 17,2016 12:51pm - Big Dick Dudley  ""]
no u
[Nov 17,2016 7:38pm - Eric Paone is a Dirty Mexican  ""]

Garcia‘s%20Mom said:
David%20Duke said:What the fuck does Richard Garcia have to do with any of this?

David Duke you leave my sweet boy Richard alone!

He's a dirty Mexican just like Eric Paone!
[Nov 18,2016 1:30am - xmikex ""]
Could there possibly be a connection between writing love songs to Satan and NOT wanting the Christian Right to drip hot wax on your balls?

We just don't know these things.
[Nov 18,2016 2:31pm - Kool Aids man  ""]
Man look at this guy pig out
[Nov 19,2016 10:01am - Union Representative  ""]
Excuse me sir, before you can fart in here I need to see your union cards. Can I see your union cards please?

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