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m. night syamalan is an idiot. 'the village'

[Jul 31,2004 12:58am - nick ""]
without giving anything away, the movie itself was ok for what it turned out to be. however, i feel that i was tricked into watching something completely different than what was advertised. this movie had some potential to be really good up until they decided to throw a huge curveball which led to a series of events completely turning the movie into something else. they should have just released this as a three part series on TBS or something. this was the movie equivalent of premature ejaculation.

if you didnt see the movie, then you would have no idea what im talking about. how about that. :spineyes: .
[Jul 31,2004 1:09am - swamplorddvm ""]
I had a feeling this would happen with this movie. his last two movies where kinda like that to.

I havent seen it.
[Jul 31,2004 1:19am - Terence ""]
I wasnt a huge fan of Signs, even though i thought it was decent. Unbreakable I thought was his best.
[Jul 31,2004 1:43am - xmikex ""]
Signs was great for like 3 quarters of the movie. Then it turned absolutely retarded. Water is their weakness???? The planet is fucking 75% water! There's water in the atmosphere!!

im still gonna see the Village, but years and years of watching crappy movies has lead me to expect disappointment.
[Jul 31,2004 1:44am - xmikex ""]
and thank you nick for not ruining it. i was kind of scared to look at this thread.

and just so everyone knows....Star Wars eats magic johnson's balls. Even the originals.
[Jul 31,2004 1:45am - Kalopsia ""]
DAMN YOU NICK!!!!! i just got home from seeing "the village" and i wanted to make this thread. ok...... THE VILLAGE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!! in my best efforts to try and not ruin the story for everyone who hasn't seen it, as soon as i learned the point of the story and what it was that everyone was so scared of, i wanted to walk out of the theater. biggest load of horse-shit ever. first off, the acting blew gigantic balls. i mean seriously it was fuckin horrible, even sigourney weaver did a shitty job. plain and simple this movie sucks and i suggest you not see it or at least wait until video.
[Jul 31,2004 3:24am - heimdall ""]
I dont know what you were tlaking about but this was an excellent movie, sure it makes you think that its all about creatures and what not, but ehll i think thats the fun in his movies they end up all wierd and give you that feeling of awe, and there is always a moral, this one is that love conquers fear, and the other value is how the people can make asociety clean of crime or problems

as you can see hopefully i have not revealed anything you wouldnt see from a preview
[Jul 31,2004 4:07am - OFD  ""]
why don't you look at this movie from a different point of view guys.not as a horror film, but look at it symbolically. for instance, the"village" is the United States and the "other towns" are the rest of the world. i dont think m. night was trying to make this scary but instead show us the fear instilled in Americans and how silly it is. well that's just my take on the movie. i would be interested in discussing it more after more people have seen it as to not give away any of the plot.
[Jul 31,2004 8:06am - dirteecrayon ""]
Terence said:Unbreakable I thought was his best.

they called me mr. glass!

[Jul 31,2004 11:15am - Jellyfish ""]
signs was the stupidest movie i have ever seen.
[Jul 31,2004 11:28am - nick ""]
thank you nick for not ruining it.

ya, i hate when people ruin movies.


hahaha sorry man, should have gone to an earlier showing.

why don't you look at this movie from a different point of view guys.not as a horror film, but look at it symbolically. for instance, the"village" is the United States and the "other towns" are the rest of the world. i dont think m. night was trying to make this scary but instead show us the fear instilled in Americans and how silly it is. well that's just my take on the movie. i would be interested in discussing it more after more people have seen it as to not give away any of the plot.

you are thinking into the movie waaaay too much. if that was what it was really about then i like it even less and am even angrier i watched a secretly political movie.
[Jul 31,2004 1:40pm - OFD  ""]
[Jul 31,2004 2:17pm - dreadkill ""]
when i first saw the previews for the village at the movie theater, i started laughing out loud and got weird looks from people in the theater. everyone in the room seemed to be awed by the preview, buit i thought it was hilarious because it looked the same as all his other shitty movies. i see dead people was a cool movie, even though i predicted the ending a quarter of the way through the movie. unbreakable was alright, but not as good as i see dead people. signs is one of the worst movies i ever saw in my whole life. i avoided the village because i knew it would suck. i haven't had good luck at the movies lately. i saw dodgeball and spiderman 2, which both sucked horsecock. the only character in spiderman 2 who should have lived was the newspaper editor because he was hilarious. everyone else sucked in that movie. i hate movies.
[Jul 31,2004 3:29pm - Jellyfish ""]
unbreakable sucked so bad.
[Jul 31,2004 3:58pm - Kalopsia ""]
i perfectly understood the messages that "the village" gave, or we thought gave (it is possible for directors to send a message that they didn't mean to send in their movie) and though they made sense, i personally don't agree with them, and just the way the movie turned out pissed me off. the commercials made it seem like it was a horror movie, and then when you watch it, that wasn't it's purpose at all, though it did have it's scary moments
[Jul 31,2004 5:25pm - tbone_r ""]
OFD said-'moron'

who's the moron....the kid who is mad that this movie may have hidden political messages, or the kid who actually believes that this movie had hidden political messages.
[Jul 31,2004 6:37pm - nick ""]
OFD said:moron

i would love to have a debate with you on why you are thinking into the plot of the movie too much. however, doing this would prob. ruin the movie for alot of people. personally, i think you are trying to find 'the silver lining' to a movie that turned out to be something it wasnt advertised as. if thats how you choose to justify spending 9.50 then by all means come up with as many hidden meanings as you wish. everyone has thier own opinion 'moron'.
[Jul 31,2004 11:01pm - OFD  ""]
tboner-first off your name is tboner that pretty much sums it up, second i don't believe it had hidden political messages i never referred to anything that meant that. i said he had a message about society. third nick(i called you a moron only because you had insulted me first,i think too much?you don't think hard enough) and a few other guys also proved my theory correct that all everyone wants is to take shit for face value. they want see scary monsters and feel a rush. well the reason you all can't enjoy movies like this is because everyone is so fucking desensitized to violence and gore and shit.kinda like when i was reading on the hellfest thread about bad luck 13 and people thought that shit was funny and fuckin laughing at people who got hurt.one of the kids went to the fuckin emergency room.i bet you wouldn't laugh if it was your girlfriend,uncle,brother, or friend that got hurt badly.so u wanna see a monster? is there one under your bed or in your backyard? nope, but you'd like to see one in a movie to escape your dull reality.so look i don't wanna bash each other and keep callin each other names. all i'm sayin is see my point also because like you said everyone has their own opinion. and to get a better perspective of to where my thinkings may have come from watch the documentary on m. night. i think it's on bravo not quite sure.
[Jul 31,2004 11:15pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
ok... this ruins the whole secret to this movie... so if you read this chat log that i am going too post... and you havent seen this turd... dont blame me for ruining it.

take into consideration that i havent heard any more about this movie than what i have read in this thread and that i havent seen it.

**********BEGIN SPOILERS**********
ScaldinSpaldin: have you seen the village?
Demeanes: yeah
Demeanes: pfft!
ScaldinSpaldin: lame eh?
Demeanes: crap!
ScaldinSpaldin: please... ruin it for me and tell me what they were afraid of... was there another village that wore red?
Demeanes: lol
ScaldinSpaldin: and they were being prejudice
Demeanes: lol
Demeanes: lol
Demeanes: are u for real?
ScaldinSpaldin: i hit the nail on the head, right?
Demeanes: u really want to know? lol
ScaldinSpaldin: yes
ScaldinSpaldin: themselves?
Demeanes: YES!
ScaldinSpaldin: HAHAHA!
Demeanes: LAME!
ScaldinSpaldin: wait
ScaldinSpaldin: was it themselves dressed in red?
Demeanes: YES!!!!!!
Demeanes: LAME!!!!!!!
ScaldinSpaldin: HAHAHAHH!@
ScaldinSpaldin: what
ScaldinSpaldin: the
ScaldinSpaldin: fuck
Demeanes: there was gonna be a riot in theatre
ScaldinSpaldin: hahahaha!
Demeanes: no lie!
Demeanes: i swear to u
ScaldinSpaldin: that, my friend, is amazing
Demeanes: lol
***********END SPOILERS***************

WHAT A FUCKING ASSHOLE that guy is. ohhhh noooooooo... its themselves. g-to-the-ay. how predictable and lame... i dont care about the political views that may or may not be in this movie... that is fucking gay.
[Aug 1,2004 12:23am - xmikex ""]
you all have really shallow interpretations of this movie.
[Aug 1,2004 12:31am - Kalopsia ""]
OK, THIS IS VERY SIMPLE.... THE COMMERCIALS MADE IT LOOK LIKE A HORROR MOVIE AND IT WAS NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's that goddamn simple. you go to see a horror movie because u want that rush, yo want that excitment. when the movie does not deliver that, then it sucks. the commercials were misleading. and what message was m. night trying to deliver? that the world sucks? oh like we didn't already know that. maybe that the only way to control people is with fear? well that fucking blows. i give this movie 2 thumbs down.
[Aug 1,2004 12:38am - nick ""]

^right there.
i thought the movie was ok for what it was, reguardless of all the retarded filmstudent political/sociological theories that everyone is saying this movie has. there was some interesting camera work that really made you see things from the perspective of the blind girl (the stabbing scene was also really cool). but is it impossible for you people to watch a movie without relating it to pollitics ect.?
i personally wanted to see the movie because monsters and villages peak my interest, movies about politics/blind girls/holes/the colors yellow and red DO NOT. THAT IS WHY I DIDNT REALLY LIKE THIS MOVIE. I WANTED TO SEE A MOVIE ABOUT MONSTERS
[Aug 1,2004 12:45am - FrancisPman  ""]
moral of the story: leave the handicapped in the woods with sharp objects and let natural selection take place.
[Aug 1,2004 3:20am - BornSoVile ""]
i think he has a retarded name.
[Aug 1,2004 3:24am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
i dunnow, I think everything that guy directs is brilliant up till the end

his endings are way too pop cinema...he has these cruel, intense worlds he fabricates that make me stare...and lots of great interplay of visual and audio and timing and all that...and then, like in that movie about the aliens, he fucks it up and does something happy or totally ludicrously digestible.

it sucks cause if he was a bitch about it he could make some really fucking tremendous stuff.

still, the sixth sense fucked with me...
[Aug 1,2004 3:40am - intricateprocess ""]
signs fucks with me

come on........
the brazilian birthday party?

imagine takiking a 3 am piss and seein that motherfucker
[Aug 1,2004 3:45am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yeah, shit like that...or like the tent scene in The Sixth Sense? That makes it really hard for me to like exist...at all...ever....like you know, when he sees that kid? DUDE I AM SHAKING THINKING ABOUT IT

fuck scary films kill me man.

imagine seeing hanging people at your school?
[Aug 1,2004 3:01pm - the_reverend ""]
completely predictible, but still a great movie.
I liked a lot of the ideas in it.
[Aug 1,2004 3:39pm - succubus ""]
intricateprocess said:signs fucks with me

come on........
the brazilian birthday party?

imagine takiking a 3 am piss and seein that motherfucker

exactly..i loved that movie and it scared me

[Aug 1,2004 3:43pm - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:completely predictible, but still a great movie.
I liked a lot of the ideas in it.

yes what he said

quite prredictable from the get go but i really enjoyed it...wish they would have expanded the last scenes more.

i was wondering when we hadn't seen M Night and the movie was almost over...then we see his reflection in the office

also awesome actors in it..i'm a huge fan of Joaquin (WAH KEEN~I love saying his name) Phoenix, Adrian Brody, Michael Pitt, S. Weaver, etc. and a lot more....an all star cast

[Aug 1,2004 3:47pm - succubus ""]
ohh and we also saw the preview for batman begins

christian Bale is an awesome actor...i think he plays psychos ESPECIALLY great...but an awesome actor and i cannot wait to see his portrayal
oh and all the previews except batman and i think another one looked good...the rest = yuck and yawn
[Aug 1,2004 5:10pm - mike_fod ""]
Give me Communion and Fire In The Sky over Signs any day. M. Night Shamafail is overrated to begin with.
[Aug 1,2004 5:13pm - nick ""]
christian Bale is an awesome actor...i think he plays psychos ESPECIALLY great

american psycho is an awesome movie.
[Aug 1,2004 10:43pm - dread_104 ""]
are people actually expecting honesty in advertising? are you new?
[Aug 1,2004 10:52pm - dirteecrayon ""]
nick said:american psycho is an awesome movie.

Patrick Bateman: I'm into murders and executions!

Patrick Bateman: You are a fucking ugly bitch and I want to stab you to death and play with your blood.

Patrick Bateman: Sabrina, don't just stare at it. Eat it.

[Aug 1,2004 11:50pm - succubus ""]
i LOVE American Psycho
i need the SE DVD
[Aug 2,2004 12:18am - the_reverend ""]
I think the problem is that people went there expecting a spooky movie and there were spooky things, but it was a twilight-zone-esque thing...
a "psychological thriller" not a horror movie so most people here would have gone there to see horror and hated it for that reason.
[Aug 2,2004 1:00am - Kalopsia ""]
the_reverend said:I think the problem is that people went there expecting a spooky movie and there were spooky things, but it was a twilight-zone-esque thing...
a "psychological thriller" not a horror movie so most people here would have gone there to see horror and hated it for that reason.

THE MONSTERS WEREN'T REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MEAN COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Aug 2,2004 1:01am - Abbath ""]
succubus said:i LOVE American Psycho
i need the SE DVD

his playing as batman
his looks so dreamy with the suit on
[Aug 2,2004 1:18am - dirteecrayon ""]
Abbath said:his looks so dreamy with the suit on

well i thought he looked dreamy when he was taking a shower, and jerking off to porn, and banging the 2 hookers while checking kimself out in the mirror

but that's just me

[Aug 2,2004 7:37am - succubus ""]
i don't think he's dreamy...he IS an awesome actor though..i LOVE that scene when he's flexing while banging the hoe!
[Aug 2,2004 8:44am - the_reverend ""]
Kalopsia said:THE MONSTERS WEREN'T REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MEAN COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok, I'm going to spoil it for you but.. um..
neither is santa claus...
it's just the idea and portrayal of them that makes us scared of them.
[Aug 2,2004 8:45am - succubus ""]

[Aug 7,2004 1:43am - Kalopsia ""]
the_reverend said:Kalopsia said:THE MONSTERS WEREN'T REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I MEAN COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok, I'm going to spoil it for you but.. um..
neither is santa claus...
it's just the idea and portrayal of them that makes us scared of them.

so then what the fuck is making all the noise in my closet???????????????????????????????

in any case............ my ex g/f just IM'd me a couple minutes ago and told me she liked the movie (how of course i don't understand), but of course we get into a discussion of why it did or did not suck and i gave her a prime example of why it sucked. the scene in the beginning where that girl expresses her love for Lucious, i think she did a horrendous acting job in that scene. my ex tried defending it saying i can't handle substance in movies. i wanted to punch her in the fucking cunt for that. stupid bitch is too busy being a slut to know anything about me. i'm sure i sound stupid right now and all but i don't care because she got me all worked up and now i'm venting so i feel better. so

[Aug 7,2004 9:04am - heimdall ""]
I loved the movie, but I admit it mad me sad that it was not what it looked like it was going to be, but should we not expect that from the director from now.

the whole moral of the story was fear, they moved there in fear, they stayed there in fear, and love was the only thing that conquered fear.

I was a little upset they werenot real(just as I was when i saw how goofy the aliens looked in signs) , but admit it even when you knew they were not real you probely pissed yoursefl when it stared running at her.

and the story line was a prety twisted and insane plot
[Aug 7,2004 9:11am - succubus ""]
it was a great movie
i wasn't expecting a horror movie from him
[Aug 7,2004 9:53am - dugoxistance  ""]
I think we are missing one substantial plot hole with this movie. Or maybe it's just me. What was there . . . about 8-10 "elders" in the town? Remember the scenes with the big panning view of the dinners and how there were a good 60+ people? Well if the "elders" were the only ones that knew the truth and created the village, where did all the other people come from??? Luscious couldn't story-wise be over 28 years old. So did we have 28 years of 4-5 couples banging and making babies? Sure let's get away from the violence but promote incest. There is no medical way that the "elders" gave birth to the whole town in that amount of time. No sir. So if only about 10 people knew the truth, why did the other 50-60 not have a clue that it was all a lie? That my friends is a mega movie flaw in my book.
[Aug 7,2004 10:32am - tbone_r ""]
yeah, i wondered that same thing.
[Aug 7,2004 10:41am - dyingmuse ""]
i dont even want to read this thread. i have been wanting to see this movie since th first preview!
[Aug 7,2004 3:00pm - Kalopsia ""]
heimdall said:I was a little upset they werenot real(just as I was when i saw how goofy the aliens looked in signs) , but admit it even when you knew they were not real you probely pissed yoursefl when it stared running at her.

i was more confused with that scene than anything because how the fuck was one of those things chasing her if they weren't real? yes it was a good story and all but i didn't like it because it did not deliver what i expected of it. maybe i would have enjoyed it more if there 5 annoyingly loud bitches in the theater that wouldn't shut up throughout the movie

[Aug 7,2004 3:12pm - xmikex ""]
[Aug 7,2004 3:15pm - xmikex ""]
you want my advice for seeing the village? don't go see it in brockton.

"Run bitch run!!!"
[Aug 7,2004 3:33pm - Terence ""]
When I become a prominent movie director, I will direct the greatest movie ever made, and all it will consist of is 2 hours of chasing through dark hospital hallways filled with dead people and nonstop shooting. Maybe a samurai sword here and there too.
[Aug 7,2004 8:07pm - heimdall ""]
fucking zombie movies to the max, they have no deep story lines but still own in my books
[Aug 8,2004 4:25am - MyDeadDoll ""]
crap, this was a long thread dedicated to a movie that everyone says sucked. i'll wait 'til video. =)
[Aug 14,2004 12:14am - dread_104 ""]
i got one question. WHO took the photo?
[Mar 26,2006 11:48pm - MikePile  ""]
Hey thank you very much Jennifer :-) You are a sweetheart and a cuteypie xoxoxo
[Mar 27,2006 12:48am - nick ""]
[Mar 27,2006 12:55am - KeithMutiny ""]
its ironic i watched signs again last night too, that movie sucked, just like every other piece of shit that camel jockey made. He manages to fuck them all up wonderfully about 3/4 of the way through the movie.
[Mar 27,2006 1:49am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
You got your racial insults wrong, he is Indian.
[Mar 27,2006 1:51am - pam ""]
he sucks. lets just leave it there.
[Jul 10,2006 12:24am - drcrazy ""]
IS THaT TrUe M.NiGht cONtacT WitH OTher worLd. AnD ANyBody herE could GAve mE WEbsite for M.NiGht fANz to chat with other. PlSSssss. I WaNt To know whAt thE reAL STOry AbOut M. NiGht:skull:
[Jul 10,2006 12:24am - drcrazy ""]
IS THaT TrUe M.NiGht cONtacT WitH OTher worLd. AnD ANyBody herE could GAve mE WEbsite for M.NiGht fANz to chat with other. PlSSssss. I WaNt To know whAt thE reAL STOry AbOut M. NiGht:skull:
[Jul 10,2006 8:03am - xmikex ""]
Dr.Cr@zY!!! LOLz!
[Jul 10,2006 1:30pm - baptizedinresin ""]
"What a twist!!"
i think this movie is awesome, but unbreakable was the best for sure. i think this new one im seeing previews for (lady in the water) is going to be the first one that really sucks, but i wouldnt mind being proven wrong. did anybody see that multi part show on scifi that was on right before the village was released that tried to make him out to be all supernatural and all this staged shit happen and it was clear they were acting? oh man it was ridiculous
[Jul 10,2006 5:08pm - thyhorrorcosmic  ""]
you know nothing about making, writing, directing movies. ypu guys probally couldn't even be the boom stick operator so if you don't know anything about it than shut the fuck up!
[Jul 10,2006 5:24pm - sphincter  ""]
shamalamalan sux, he tries to make his movies scary when they turn out to bore me
[Jul 10,2006 5:26pm - nick ""]
hopefully my thread comes back everytime that retard slaps his name on some shitstorm of a movie.
[Jul 10,2006 6:09pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
thyhorrorcosmic said:you know nothing about making, writing, directing movies. ypu guys probally couldn't even be the boom stick operator so if you don't know anything about it than shut the fuck up!

shut the fuck up... i have 2 book/movie ideas that are completely thought out and developed that RAPE this guy's bullshit. premature ejaculation is exactly the phrase i would use to describe his movies. the seem like they are going to be deeper than a retired porn star's snatch, and end up being about as shallow as the cum blob of a pre-teen. he sucks.

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