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4 billion year old fossils found

[Mar 2,2017 8:51am - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 2,2017 8:58am - susurrate ""]
forteresse still think the oldest fossils are from quebec
[Mar 2,2017 10:39am - Kyrie Irving  ""]
This must have been found on the edge of the planet. Also I doubt they are that old because my calendar doesn't go back that far.
[Mar 2,2017 12:26pm - Dwyer  ""]
Yea, I put those there.
[Mar 2,2017 8:05pm - xmikex ""]

Dwyer said:Yea, I put those there.

ITT: Prehistoric up-loin-cloths
[Mar 3,2017 10:28am - the_reverend ""]
Of course they were republican cucks

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