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Moonfog news: Darkthrone's Nocturno Culto / Satyricon co-headline show at Wacken this weekend!

[Aug 3,2004 12:10pm - the_reverend ""]
Darkthrone, as a compact ensemble, has not graced a stage since 1996. With brand new album, 'Sardonic Wrath' ready for next month's release, Darkthrone's Nocturno Culto will make a special appearance at Wacken this Saturday, joining Satyricon for an unprecedented half hour showcase of Darkthrone classics.

"Four years in a row, Wacken has asked us to headline," comments Nocturno Culto. "And four years in a row, we have turned their request down. It would have been too much for me and Fenriz to get a whole band together for one gig. The joint show with Satyricon is a more accessible format so we finally accepted. Plus, Wacken is a good festival and well organised. This would be a great opportunity to perform to a large audience and spread hatred for the human kind, especially the religious ones."

An alliance of titanic proportions for the genre, the Satyricon/ Darkthrone joint show at Wacken will be a historical event and the last of its kind. "Anyone who knows their black metal is aware of Darkthrone's policy of not playing live," comments Satyricon's driving force, Satyr. "They've decided to do this special event and asked us to be a part of it and that is, of course, a great honour. We're also glad that this historical event has the approval of Fenriz and Zephyrous. Bonds between Satyricon and Darkthrone have always been extremly tight and this is a great way of showing it.

As to whether a show of such proportions could produce pressure, Nocturno Culto replied - "It's a mixed bag. The ideal thing for me would be to fly by helicopter just before I am due to go on stage and then press an eject button to get myself back on the same helicopter right after the gig." This, however, will not be the last live appearance by the guitarist / vocalist. "Even if Darkthrone are not actively playing live," conclude Nocturno Culto. "I will join another band or something in the future. We just have to see what happens."

Satyricon will kick off Saturday's headline show on Saturday, 7th August at midnight.

Darkthrone's new album, 'Sardonic Wrath' is out on September 6th.
[Aug 3,2004 12:12pm - RustedAngel ""]
my boss is leaving for germany in a couple of days for this... lucky fuck.
[Aug 3,2004 2:06pm - Jellyfish ""]
They have a new album already?
[Aug 3,2004 4:03pm - Abbath ""]
those lucky fucks, fenriz hates playing live they must have offerend him something big to change his mind
i've listened to a few tracks off their new album, it's amazing
all hails! \m/
[Aug 3,2004 4:05pm - Dissector ""]
So wait, Fenriz is or isn't playing? I'm confused.

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