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ill pay someone 20 bucks

[Aug 4,2004 2:52pm - kok  ""]
to punch you square in the face.
no liability.
you will sign a waiver.
I punch hard.

whos in?:middlefinger:
[Aug 4,2004 2:53pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Haha, do you think anyone is really going to risk their life for 20 bucks?

I'm in.
[Aug 4,2004 2:56pm - kok  ""]
only u joe....but i expected that.....ok anyone BESIDES crazy joe???

ill even fag punch (wrist limp, and fist open with thumb out)
[Aug 4,2004 2:58pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
you can punch me if i can donkey punch your mom
[Aug 4,2004 2:59pm - Christraper ""]
$20 and a beer and you got yourself a deal
[Aug 4,2004 3:01pm - kok  ""]
well...thatd be kinda hard, since shes a pile of ashes, but if it makes you feel better, Ill do it for free and burn your small johnson with a cigarette, then pee on your girlfriend. up to you, but lmk, cuz i got other offers.

p.s. never ever mention my family again if you value your 'life'.
[Aug 4,2004 3:03pm - kok  ""]
Christraper said:$20 and a beer and you got yourself a deal

sweet...also i will video tape it, but i will blur our your likeness so no one will know.
[Aug 4,2004 3:04pm - Christraper ""]
i doesnt matter, theyll know its me....
[Aug 4,2004 3:11pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
kok said:well...thatd be kinda hard, since shes a pile of ashes, but if it makes you feel better, Ill do it for free and burn your small johnson with a cigarette, then pee on your girlfriend. up to you, but lmk, cuz i got other offers.

p.s. never ever mention my family again if you value your 'life'.

you're lazy and your mothers a whore! :satancross:
[Aug 4,2004 3:13pm - kok  ""]
now you get one for free!
maybe more than one, ill decide that later!
[Aug 4,2004 3:14pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
can you stomp on my balls too?
[Aug 4,2004 3:14pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
[Aug 4,2004 3:15pm - Jellyfish ""]
If i can punch back and if you make me a steak dinner.:tmnt2:
[Aug 4,2004 3:15pm - kok  ""]
i would say yes if i didnt know youd enjoy it.
but instead, ill make you fuck a GIRL!
[Aug 4,2004 3:19pm - Jellyfish ""]
[Aug 4,2004 4:01pm - hoser ""]
well, his Mom really is a pile of ashes...in fact...he keeps her ashes on top of his entertainment system at the house. I asked him what was up with the weird looking vase on the top of it and he punched me. Big bastard does hit hard.
[Aug 6,2004 10:34am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
kok said:i would say yes if i didnt know youd enjoy it.
but instead, ill make you fuck a GIRL!

not a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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