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Drum You Like a Hurricane

[Aug 13,2004 4:50pm - litacore ""]
well since Charley's coming I figure I'll piss in the wind--

Drummer wanted for Death/Black/Thrash hybrid near Allston/Brighton. Dbl. bass, blastbeats, cut-through, stamina, meter, precision and (GASP!) transportation.

Contrary to the impression I'm giving in the above paragraph we're pretty open-mided and want someone willing to contribute their talent, ideas, and enthusiasm for a badass metal time.

We practice 2-3 times a week. Come check it out, you may dig us.

well...um...my left nut for a drummer



[Sep 16,2004 10:16am - litacore with a strange parasitic phallus growing out of her armpit  ""]
bump, as if this is the South

still need a drummer. bleh.
[Sep 16,2004 10:39am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
cool, now I know how to spell your name.
[Sep 16,2004 10:42am - litacore minus a drummer  ""]
larysa, right?
[Sep 16,2004 10:48am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
It wouldn't be so difficult if your parents have given you a normal name, like Judith or something.
[Sep 16,2004 11:46am - litacore without a drummer and sure wishing she had one  ""]
Judge Judy: "I'm the boss, applesauce!"
[Sep 16,2004 11:47am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Ha, I bet she really did say that.
[Sep 16,2004 10:23pm - Goratory/Pillory Drummer  ""]
Hey, if u guys are looking for professional studio work, let me know. www.Goratory.net
[Sep 17,2004 9:22am - litacore ""]
that's a thought. At least we'd get some tracks down.

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