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New As long as we're all living, we're all dying Web site

[Aug 13,2004 4:51pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
I'm posting here to spread the word about the new As long as we're all living, we're all dying web site.

If I don't know you or you haven't heard of us we're a two piece band from boston that plays crusty metallic hardcore. Our music is for fans of Tragedy, At the gates, The hope conspiracy, His hero is gone, Slayer, Dropdead, From ashes rise etc. We play a lot of metal and we play a lot of hardcore, but were not another shitty metalcore band.

Anyway, check out http://www.Aslongaswereallliving.com for mp3s and the like. Also you can now stream an entire live set that has a bunch of unreleased songs.

Also we're playing at the BCCA (14 Green st) in brookline on August 21st with Kylesa and Victims, and on September 5th with Ed gein and Anodyne so check those out.

Thanks for reading-
[Aug 13,2004 5:03pm - Blue ""]
i know you guys have a 7 inch (the mp3s are killer), but when are you doing a full length?
[Aug 13,2004 5:05pm - powerkok ""]
cool site.
[Aug 13,2004 5:15pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
Thanks guys..

Blue, the 7" is hopefully coming out by the end of summer/early fall. We already have 7 or 8 newer unreleased songs so we're hoping to write 4 or 5 more, get them tight and start recording by the time the 7" is released.
[Aug 13,2004 5:15pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
oh, and if you check out that live recording it has at least 4 or 5 of the songs that will be on the full length..

[Aug 13,2004 11:59pm - succubus ""]

<<Photographs can be found on Returntothepit.com >>
[Aug 14,2004 1:17am - JonahBloodbath ""]
hah, are you meh-ing that I forgot to link to your site?

consider it done!
[Aug 14,2004 1:20am - JonahBloodbath ""]
speaking of which, this is like.. the best picture ever: http://www.defyunlearn.com/images/2004/5-29-2004/alawalwad/alawalwad019.JPG
[Aug 14,2004 2:30am - succubus ""]
[Aug 14,2004 2:38am - JonahBloodbath ""]
can I get high rez copiesof all the photos from that show? If we use them in album art i'll give you full credit and such
[Aug 14,2004 1:25pm - succubus ""]
was that for me or aaron?
[Aug 15,2004 1:45am - JonahBloodbath ""]
you, but I was going to ask aaron too..

so both I guess..

I can pay for a cd-r, or just give you a cdr...or whatever is easiest..

I could link you to my host and you could just upload them all, but high rez that might take a while...

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