Top 10 lies the black church tells about gay people[views:3989][posts:3]________________________________________ [Sep 7,2020 12:26pm - grandmotherweb ""] "1) Demon possession. There is no homosexual demon or any demon of that nature. It’s a lie and silly one at that. 2) Homosexuality is designed to break up the black family. No, ignorance and bigotry causes the problems in the family. A true loving family looks beyond someone’s sexuality or gender, and remains loving and supportive. 3) You can be delivered from homosexuality through prayer. Nope, you can’t pray the gay away, but you will waste a lot of time on your knees. 4) Find someone of the opposite sex to chase away “those feelings”. That doesn’t work. Why would you force yourself to be with someone you are not attracted to? 5) Lack of a father figure leads to homosexuality. That’s a huge myth; many LGBT people come from a two-parent household. 6) Sexual abuse is the cause of homosexuality. … Please. 7) The Bible says it’s a sin. Okay, if we’re going to play that game the Bible also says being drunk is a sin and debating is a sin. Hell, they’re over 600 sins. If you are going to pick just one, you have to pick them all. 8) You are a broken person if you are gay, trans or lesbian. Donnie McClurkin preaches to his church members that we are broken, and we will never be whole until we give up our homosexuality. This is also a lie. By being honest and open, we are completely whole and true to ourselves. 9) Homosexuality is a curse. Really? It’s not a spell from a wicked queen. It’s who we are; it’s who we’re meant to be. 10) You will burn in Hell. I can’t imagine burning in Hell for being yourself or sharing your life with someone you love. If this is so wrong, how can we be capable of love? As a new generation rises, I hope the ignorance and bigotry within the black church dies. Black Christians have to realize these lies can do more harm than good." oh, hey, white churches tell the exact same lies it's like the entire Christian religion is a bunch of made-up garbage or something, and black Christians aren't special at all |
_________________________________________ [Sep 21,2020 12:17pm - grandmotherweb ""] if black people REALLY cared about civil rights and all, they would stop lynching each other for being LGBTQ+. "Iyanna Dior’s beating proves Black lives still don’t matter if you’re trans 'It is truly a bitter irony that many Black men, who are demanding to be seen as human beings, consistently eviscerate the humanity of others' [...] I believe that it will be impossible for anyone to take us seriously when we say, “Black Lives Matter,” until the lives of Black trans women — indeed all women — are seen as equally valuable as the lives of Black cis heterosexual men. Black trans women are murdered by Black cis men in numbers so high that the American Medical Association has declared the overall crisis to be an epidemic. Nine out of ten trans women who are murdered in the U.S. are Black, and the country has the third-highest recorded killings of trans women on the planet." THAT'S RIGHT: NO ONE WILL EVER TAKE YOU PEOPLE SERIOUSLY UNTIL YOU STOP BEING HYPOCRITES |
_______________________________________ [Oct 1,2020 7:18am - Negrotichrist ""] Diversity just sucks ass. Ask anyone mixed-race: "Would you prefer that your ancestors had not taken Mongol or North African wives?" |
_______________________________________ [Oct 1,2020 3:00pm - grandmotherweb ""] if black people REALLY cared about civil rights and whatever, they would stop LYNCHING gay and transgender people, including their own CHILDREN. #HYPOCRITES |