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things to do at 4 am

[Aug 14,2004 4:02am - Josh_hates_you ""]
go to bed

go to work (you suck)

wake up for going to work (you suck too)

smoke more pot

post dumb shit here


watch family guy dvds for the 10 millionth time

booty call

[Aug 14,2004 4:11am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Family guy rules,i finally got season 3
[Aug 14,2004 4:37am - Josh_hates_you ""]
ok so i had something to do for 4:20 am
[Aug 14,2004 5:23am - succubus ""]
drive to aaron's work and get his plug

(in response to things to do at 4am)
[Aug 14,2004 5:24am - the_reverend ""]
how bout, realize that you left something at work and drive back to get it so you can post pictures online?
[Aug 14,2004 5:28am - succubus ""]
i guess i should have said..have someone wake you up to keep them company while they drive back to work since they forgot something there.
[Aug 14,2004 5:29am - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 14,2004 11:48am - JoeDavolla ""]
Things to do at 4am:

Jerk off
Kill people
Watch horror movies
Smoke Marlboros
Listen to Napalm Death
Stare at the wall

[Aug 14,2004 1:13pm - Deathcow ""]
Not get laid.
[Aug 14,2004 1:14pm - succubus ""]
yeah because that was at 6am..well for the rev and i
[Aug 14,2004 1:15pm - Deathcow ""]
I almost forgot drink a bottle of cough syrup because there's no beer in the house and you are a disgusting alcoholic.
[Aug 14,2004 1:16pm - succubus ""]
i don't like the taste of cough syrup ..even when i'm sick with a cold
[Aug 14,2004 1:17pm - Deathcow ""]
I don't like the taste of sobriety.
[Aug 14,2004 2:15pm - Jellyfish ""]
neither do i.
[Aug 14,2004 3:07pm - armageddonday ""]
I don't either

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