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Goatwhore tonight

[Aug 14,2004 5:19pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I heard decapitated was not playing, does this mean maybe Seemless or 100 demons can play instead?
[Aug 14,2004 5:20pm - RustedAngel ""]
yes decapitated was off months ago.
[Aug 14,2004 5:22pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I heard that last night, I hope Scott Lee doesn't pile retarded bands on the bill. Abhorred should open this, but unfortunately they are too busy being a good band to get noticed in worcester.
[Aug 14,2004 5:30pm - Aegathis ""]
I hope goatwhore doesnt have a real short set, but they probably will considering it looks like theyre 3rd to last and have a new drummer.
[Aug 14,2004 5:31pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I hope I fall in love, with sisters.
[Aug 14,2004 10:17pm - assuck ""]
good luck with that, Joe
[Aug 15,2004 12:12am - JayTUS ""]
I made a brief appearence...
[Aug 15,2004 3:05am - MikeDellamorte ""]
I had a hardon throughout this entire show. All the bands kicked ass
[Aug 15,2004 3:34am - Ryan (Mojo Music Studio)  ""]
I was even at that show... it fucking kicked ass..... Goatwhore fucking ruled all!
[Aug 15,2004 2:54pm - armageddonday ""]
The Palladium is getting worse and worse, they gave me so much shit last night I though I was going nuts.
First off, I showed up at the door with my green card, the kid there was looking at the fucking thing for hours "where is that from" "from your gvt" (dumbass), there's my fucking fingerprint on it...then he saw the card was expired. so he didn't want to give me a drink thinggy wtf the kid barely had any facial hair, probably never had a fucking drink in his life. The worst part is the both girls at the door know me and they told him to let me go but he didn't want. Whatever I didn't need to drink anyway I drank enough Friday.
Then after that I went upstairs and sat down on the step for a bit (cause of my knee), the bouncer came straight at me super rude telling me to get up.
They don't let you wear bullet belts.
Some kids were sitting outside on the steps and one of the door guy came at them "Get up, you're a fire hazard" wtf like if these kids were going to caught on fire or something.
This place sucks.
[Aug 15,2004 3:55pm - Bradness  ""]
armageddonday said:
Some kids were sitting outside on the steps and one of the door guy came at them "Get up, you're a fire hazard" wtf like if these kids were going to caught on fire or something.
This place sucks.

Ann, you fucking rule.

[Aug 15,2004 4:03pm - Blue ""]
dude, i heard cattle decapitiation slayed at the block the night before, did anyone see it?
[Aug 15,2004 4:17pm - the_reverend ""]
how were the bands?
[Aug 15,2004 4:48pm - diamond_dave ""]
the bands were awesome. well the 1st band not so much, but they were ok. i never noticed how rediculous cattle decap's guitar player is. shit changed my life.
but as anne said, the people that work there are douchebags. the guy that rips the tickets and the dude with the dreads weren't so bad, but everyone else can eat my cock. the bouncer on stage right needs to die. some kid accidentally bumped into him and the guy pushed through like 10 kids to punch him in the face. HARD. the kid's practially crying, asking what the fuck he did, and the bouncer and his pussy bouncer friend kicked the kid out. lame.
[Aug 15,2004 4:48pm - JayTUS ""]
Some kids were sitting outside on the steps and one of the door guy came at them "Get up, you're a fire hazard" wtf like if these kids were going to caught on fire or something.

I love it how everyone gets worked up by this. It has nothing to do with the actual fact that there might be a fire and that you are sitting there, it has to do with the fact that the fire department could easily walk by, see people sitting where it is considered to be a fire hazard, and fine them. I'm sure you saw the sign on the door that said "no readmission," be content they even let you go outside.

As for the green card thing, there are a lot of places that only accept MA licenses as proof of age, and I am sure this is not the first time you've ever had someone raise an eyebrow for some reason after showing them your green card...
[Aug 15,2004 4:58pm - succubus ""]
it IS frustrating that people do not get the green card...it's quite official and has holograms embedded in it...and you can even scan it (whoever has readers) anyhow..i used to get puzzled looks a lot when i would give my green card, so now i usually show that and my driver's license.
[Aug 15,2004 4:59pm - armageddonday ""]
JayTUS said:
I love it how everyone gets worked up by this. It has nothing to do with the actual fact that there might be a fire and that you are sitting there, it has to do with the fact that the fire department could easily walk by, see people sitting where it is considered to be a fire hazard, and fine them. I'm sure you saw the sign on the door that said "no readmission," be content they even let you go outside.

Yeah I know it's because of the fire department but really there's way to talk to people you don't have to be a jerk about it, these guys were the same age than them (not that it matters really)

As for the green card thing, there are a lot of places that only accept MA licenses as proof of age, and I am sure this is not the first time you've ever had someone raise an eyebrow for some reason after showing them your green card...

No shit! But you know what? I spent enough time working on these papers, time and money, I pay my fucking taxes, I work hard/own a business. I'm 27 years old man, wtf? I grew up in Europe where you never get carded, so that already pisses me off I will never get used to it. I don't drive so this is my only ID with my passport. I'm supposed to have 3 pieces of ID right now: my card is expired since May 03, they gave a piece of paper at the time "allowed to travel overseas and work" that I had to carry with me all the time, it's completely distroyed, then the piece of paper is expired so I have now a stamp in my passport. I'm supposed to carry all 3 with me anytime, fuck that. This is the kind of shit I lose all the time.

Really, the bouncer/door guys are just so fucking rude with people. They are really disrespectful and treat you like a piece of shit....I know I am but come on....we all are.
[Aug 15,2004 6:24pm - the_reverend ""]
the canadian in the band walls of jericho got turned away at the border once and the border gaurd told him the reason was "cause you are talking a job away from an american"
[Aug 15,2004 6:37pm - JayTUS ""]
I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, I understand your frustrations and I wish it was easier for people like yourself. The rules are the rules though, and especially after the Station fire thing, people have clamped down.

Really, the bouncer/door guys are just so fucking rude with people. They are really disrespectful and treat you like a piece of shit....I know I am but come on....we all are

You are wrong. I go outside after I am done taking pictures all the time, and I actually talk to the bouncers most of the time, and I watch them do their thing. They are not rude, in fact, most of them even say please and thank you. Do they lose their patience when there is a group of 20-30 people standing there not listening to them? Yeah. Wouldn't you?

I know I may seem a little biased in my opinion, but I am honestly not trying to be. Trust me, I have been yelled at by Palladium people before, and you know what, I deserved it. They're much better then all of the other staffs at big clubs/arenas in New England, that's for sure.
[Aug 15,2004 6:37pm - JayTUS ""]
the_reverend said:the canadian in the band walls of jericho got turned away at the border once and the border gaurd told him the reason was "cause you are talking a job away from an american"

Haha yeah that was a funny story.
[Aug 15,2004 6:39pm - succubus ""]
most of the bouncers are awesome...there are a couple (well i can only think of one..that i do not like)

before he knew i was with aaron you should have heard the shit to come out of his mouth...what a perve...
[Aug 15,2004 6:50pm - Blue ""]
ive found also that the palladium staff can be less than polite the majority of the time. one of the reasons i try to stay away.
[Aug 15,2004 6:56pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
The bouncers at the palladium are all dicks, all the time.
They actually are breaking the law by only allowing 5 people outside to smoke at a time, and at the same time the faggot sound guy is smoking right inside while doing a horrible job at sound. I should call the state health board and get that stupid club fined.
[Aug 15,2004 7:32pm - armageddonday ""]
JayTUS said:I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, I understand your frustrations and I wish it was easier for people like yourself. The rules are the rules though, and especially after the Station fire thing, people have clamped down.

JayTUS, I lose my temper very fast, they just rub me the wrong way that night , I was in a rough shape and I should have stay home really, but I wouldn't have missed Goatwhore for shit.

The Palladium policy is way to strict for me.

[Aug 15,2004 7:32pm - armageddonday ""]
...man I'm high
[Aug 15,2004 7:34pm - Blue ""]
way to get me all jealous.
[Aug 15,2004 7:35pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
The guy who looks like a tall, retarded doogie howser works at the palladium, and he is always rude in a cute simpleton sort of way.

[Aug 15,2004 7:40pm - JayTUS ""]
Anyone that says the staff at the Palladium is rude all the time is simply wrong. A lot of you aren't exactly a bundle of sunshine all the time either...
[Aug 15,2004 7:42pm - armageddonday ""]
the_reverend said:how were the bands?

The context for me was weird cause I couldn't go in the pit cause of my knee...this is not a normal situation.
I'm surprised I liked WATCH THEM DIE, the name isn't helping at first and I wasn't sure what to expect. The singer is sick so that's a good point, he has a huge scene presence and a kick ass voice. Sometimes it reminded me of DESTROYER 666, less agressive but still. They surprised me and I think I'm going to get their CDs at the store.
I was out there for CATTLE DECAPITATION
[Aug 15,2004 7:44pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
American Heritage is awesome! But they didn't play.
[Aug 15,2004 7:45pm - armageddonday ""]
the_reverend said:how were the bands?

The context for me was weird cause I couldn't go in the pit cause of my knee...this is not a normal situation.
I'm surprised I liked WATCH THEM DIE, the name isn't helping at first and I wasn't sure what to expect. The singer is sick so that's a good point, he has a huge scene presence and a kick ass voice. Sometimes it reminded me of DESTROYER 666, less agressive but still. They surprised me and I think I'm going to get their CDs at the store.
I was out there for CATTLE DECAPITATION and I didn't pay quite attention.
GOATWHORE are getting better and better, they were amazing if I could have go in the pit I think I would be unable to move my head. Ben did some deep clear vocals at some points I liked it. The cute guitar player is not in the band anymore...METAL 666
I left before the BLACK DAHLIA MURDER.

[Aug 15,2004 7:46pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Black Dahlia Murder will never be good, unless they replace every single member and their lame style.
[Aug 15,2004 9:12pm - JayTUS ""]
I didn't stay for Black Dahlia Murder either...
[Aug 15,2004 10:26pm - assuck ""]
black dahlia murder headlined?

fuck that
[Aug 16,2004 9:23am - Korpse-l- ""]
my take...

Watch Them Die: pretty much sucked.

Cattle Decapitation: all i can say is... sick riffage. damn good stuff, that guitarist mixed all types of scales with there music. unique sh*t.

Goatwhore: i think they needed to bring up the guitars a little bit more. but otherwise it was a good set.

Black Dahlia Murder: At the gates rippoff is the best way to describe it. nothing new. we left after the 3rd song.

that's just my opinion
[Aug 16,2004 10:18am - RustedAngel ""]
at the gates ripoff, blah blah blah...atg didn't have fast blast beats, or dual vocals... on top of that, at the gates isn't even around anymore so get over it.
[Aug 16,2004 10:22am - Korpse-l- ""]
[Aug 16,2004 10:23am - Korpse-l- ""]
told you it was my opinion. you don't like it... get over it.
[Aug 16,2004 11:49am - RustedAngel ""]
that's the only bash against BDM people can think of. "THEY ARE AT THE GATES RIP OFFS"

I don't hear any riffs that are like atg...Melodic harmony's maybe, but just because ATG did it doesn't mean it's forbidden for any other metal band to do it.
[Aug 16,2004 11:57am - Korpse-l- ""]
alright dude. i don't know what i'm talking about. i love metal gurus. hahahaa.
[Aug 16,2004 12:56pm - assuck ""]
if one or two bands used ATG riffs i wouldnt care. but its the fact that all these metalcore bands are doing it that makes me hate it more than anything
[Aug 16,2004 1:00pm - RustedAngel ""]
i'd rather hear metalcore 'ATG rip offs' than fucking nu-metal wouldn't you?

that's what I thought.
[Aug 16,2004 1:04pm - assuck ""]
metalcore is/is becoming equally as shitty
[Aug 16,2004 3:46pm - Jellyfish ""]
watch them die are good guys. Little bit goofy, but good spirit. Cattle took the show, goatwhore did an awesome celtic frost cover, and I left before black dahlia. I guess that makes 3 of us.
[Aug 16,2004 3:58pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I want to kill those "hard core" fags that were at the show.
They must die!!!
[Aug 18,2004 12:10pm - Ryan (MOJO Music Studio)  ""]
I went outside and smoked a cigarette during Black Dahlia... then went inside and talked to the guys from Goatwhore, I saw BDM a few weeks before at the Bombshelter so I didn't really pay much attention...
[Aug 18,2004 12:14pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
RustedAngel said:i'd rather hear metalcore 'ATG rip offs' than fucking nu-metal wouldn't you?

that's what I thought.

thats a weird thing to say, i'd personally not rather hear either.
But metalcore bands want to play with metal bands, so it's a bigger problem as far as I am concerned. Luckily metalcore bands rarely contact me anymore.
[Aug 18,2004 12:19pm - vivi ""]
i get really embaressed for bands that call themselves metalcore because that is so fucking gay.

also, i only hear bdm being called an atf ripoff. i guess. i think alot of people who say that havent heard atg. thats just my guess.

but fuck at the gates for the most part. go earlier. grotesque \m/
[Aug 18,2004 12:20pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Whether they rip off at the gates or not doesn't help the fact that they suck. Maybe they should rip off at the gates.

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