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Please argue about how awesome your anus is HERE>>

[Aug 16,2004 5:00pm - Hoser ""]
My anus is the best in the world!! You're all jealous of my insanely beautiful anal cavity and that's that!!
Let's just check my anus out:

1.) No poop smears or stains
2.) Very silky to the touch
3.) Doesn't look like it was mutilated by a weed whacker.
4.) Soft and supple

No way that any of you fucking RTTP retards can top that. Hell, my anus used to hang out with John Travolta and Shelly Long's anuses.

My fucking anus is awesome...ya whatever...stupid kids.
[Aug 16,2004 5:04pm - Jellyfish ""]
you may have the nice anus, but i have the jugernaut dick. I win.
[Aug 16,2004 5:04pm - powerkok ""]
1.) No poop smears or stains
cuz u use 3/4 of a roll of t.p., per poo deposit !!!!!!!!!!!!
[Aug 16,2004 5:06pm - Hoser ""]

How do you know if it was a good shit if the toilet doesn't choke and puke the whole mess back up?!?!
[Aug 16,2004 5:13pm - powerkok ""]
you buy alot of drano, dont you?
[Aug 16,2004 5:24pm - Abbath ""]
i have barbarian ass
[Aug 16,2004 5:30pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
my shit ruins porcelain
[Aug 16,2004 5:31pm - Jellyfish ""]
my shit ruins bitches.
[Aug 16,2004 5:34pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
my bitches ruin my shits
[Aug 16,2004 7:26pm - Hoser ""]
My fucking anus is seriously incredible. I just shit them hotdogs that we ate after the show.....


Get a whiff of this...I just "THRASHED" my toilet!!1
[Aug 16,2004 7:29pm - the_reverend ""]
this thread was better when carina posted it
[Aug 16,2004 7:37pm - succubus ""]
i win

[Aug 16,2004 7:37pm - succubus ""]
[Aug 16,2004 7:41pm - succubus ""]
[Aug 16,2004 7:55pm - Hoser ""]
bastards!!!! Don't you try to foil my post!!!
[Aug 16,2004 7:59pm - the_reverend ""]
I tried to foil carina's balloon knot, but it's unfoiliable!
[Aug 16,2004 8:18pm - succubus ""]
[Aug 16,2004 8:19pm - Hoser ""]
hahahahahahahaha....I think that I banged that chick on the right.....that pic was taken at UNH. Her name is Alyssa I believe...
[Aug 16,2004 8:29pm - powerkok ""]
u mean the guy on the left.
[Aug 16,2004 8:55pm - Hoser ""]
No, I mean that guy right there...you know the one named, "Shut the fuckity fuck up before I shit all over your bathroom the next time I come over." Ya you know that guy...

Now zip it...ya that's right...thought so.
[Aug 16,2004 8:59pm - powerkok ""]
hahahaha no I meant the guy in the picture....u already shit on my bathroom.
[Aug 16,2004 11:50pm - assuck ""]
my anus is so great that nike is making a shoe called "air ben's anus"
[Aug 17,2004 12:27am - Kalopsia ""]
1. of course Succubus' anus thread was better because everyone wants to finger her anus

2. fuck toilet paper, moist wipes are the shizat!!!!!!
[Aug 17,2004 12:58am - Jellyfish ""]
moist wipes are retarded, tin foil all the way.
[Aug 17,2004 11:03am - assuck ""]
[Aug 17,2004 11:06am - christraper ""]
I can open beer bottles with my asshole
[Aug 17,2004 1:41pm - swamplorddvm ""]
My butt hole is harry. But muh deek rooinz deh poosieiz!!!
[Aug 17,2004 2:17pm - succubus ""]
i still win =)

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