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sept 11 help

[Aug 18,2004 12:56pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
If anyone can host the 3 guys from Bitchslicer at their place, that would be rad.
[Aug 18,2004 12:59pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Wait 3 guys doing stuff on Sept 11th?

I've heard this story before...something about a plane?
[Aug 18,2004 1:00pm - vivi ""]
september 11th \m/
[Aug 18,2004 1:00pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Arab on Rader played the Middle East on sept 11 the year we got attacked. I find that too be hilarious.
[Aug 18,2004 1:03pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Joe - were you really selling your old record collection yesterday at Anne's shop? If so, did I really spy a B52's 12"? I think it is safe to say that is not a metal band, though Rock Lobster is a pretty spectacular song. Looked more like a record collection I would have than one I would picture the mighty JnC to have.

I proudly declare how ridiculously diverse my collection is upstairs. YES YOU HEARD ME RIGHT, I HAVE A 'SQUIRREL NUT ZIPPERS' 7".
[Aug 18,2004 1:04pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I love the b-52s. I did indeed sell most of my record collection last night, though it was a sad moment.
She didn't take the B-52's, so if you want them let me know.
[Aug 18,2004 1:05pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
really? hmmm....how much?
[Aug 18,2004 1:13pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
How much are you willing to pay, it's in good condition, anne just doesnt like the b-52s which is why she didnt take them.

[Aug 18,2004 1:16pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I dunnow...that's a good question. I probably shouldn't even be buying records as I'm currently unemployed and just have a big jar of change I've been living off of. I'm more curious as to if and when I get expendable income, I could hit you up for it. Too much of my record collection is old Boston Hardcore bands and I'd really like to get something I can spin that makes my mind work in a different way -- what better band than the B52s?!?!

In a perfect world, if I had the money, and your record wasn't a first pressing or anything, I'd probably pay 6-8 bucks for it. If it was fairly more rare vinyl, 10-12. If it was in shabby condition, 3-5.
[Aug 18,2004 1:23pm - powerkok ""]
I used to live across the street from the b-52's.

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